  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蔡榮祥 博士


摘 要 國與國的外交事件擴散影響了第三國的外交能源政策,而外交則是以利益交換的一種 手段。扈從與抗衡是目前中國、美國與其他相較弱小國家相處的關係,而就目前中國的崛 起並非要以強硬的實力與美國對抗,相對的它則是以扈從關係讓較弱小國家或相對反美國 家,以扈從策略、結盟,來拉攏他國與中國間良好關係,目前中國藉由其與開發中國家建 立並維持良好的外交關係,也為中國尋找迫切需要的能源的好策略;也是以這扈從關係軟 抗衡來對抗美國。為了保證石油安全,中國石油公司開始在波斯灣,特別是在伊朗和沙烏 地阿拉伯建立石油利益。它們還在中亞、俄羅斯和拉丁美洲的委內瑞拉及巴西建立自己影 響力。 本研究在中國在石油外交上,更為積極接觸的國家與新開發中國家,其主要了解中國 內部石油輸出(入)數差異,與其他國家間外交上的互動關係,這些國家和美國間的關係是否 有戰略上是否有直接或者間接關係,在不損及現存國際秩序與避免戰爭的前提下,想要更 了解一個新興強權國家意圖與野心的中國,他的外交手腕與作為為何:一、中、美與石油 輸出國家的關係為何?其如何影響中國石油的輸入?二、中國如何解決國內石油消耗量能 的問題?三、中、美的石油競逐,如何影響其外交戰略? 研究發現與中國有著扈從與抗衡關係,是目前美國與其他相較弱小國家相互間的石油 利益微妙外交關係,而就目前中國的崛起並非要以強硬的實力與美國對抗,相對的它則是 以扈從關係,讓較弱小國家或反美國家,以扈從策略、結盟,來拉攏他國與中國間良好關 係,中國藉由與開發中國家建立並維持良好的石油外交手段,也為中國尋找迫切需要的能 源的好策略;相對藉由與外交結盟國家的扈從關係,來軟抗衡對抗美國外交上的經濟利益 與戰略地位。為了保證石油安全,中國石油公司開始在波斯灣,特別是在伊朗和沙烏地阿 拉伯建立石油利益。雖然中美兩國的外交訴求各異,只有求同存異,相互尊重對方的利益 和底線,中美兩國也是維持三邊關係的最大受益者。 研究建議在國與國之間的外交關係,若因第三國的出現,使國家政治與國家利益相衝 突時,所謂的國際道德是否依存,相對著許多弱小國家的資源,也因此在這些衝突間被剝 削一空;相同的除了石油還有文中提到的鑽石外,應該還有更多國與國之間的利益外交等 情事發生與研究之處。


扈從 軟抗衡 外交 石油


Abstract The proliferation of state-to-state diplomatic events affecting a third country's foreign energy policy, diplomacy is based on an exchange of interests. Squire and contend China, the United States and get along with the other compared to weaker countries, the rise of China is not a tough strength to confront the United States, relative, it is based on squire relationship let weaker countries or anti-American. country squire strategy, alliances, to win over the good relations between his country and China, and China by to establish and maintain good diplomatic relations with developing countries, is also looking for an urgent need for good energy strategy for China; is also squire relationship soft counterbalance to confront the United States. In order to ensure oil security, Chinese oil companies in the Persian Gulf, especially in Iran and Saudi Arabia to establish oil interests. They also Central Asia, Russia and Latin America, Venezuela and Brazil to establish their own influence. This study in the countries on China's oil diplomacy, more positive contact with the newly developed countries, mainly aimed at understanding the internal oil output (into) the number of differences between interactive diplomatic relations with other countries, these countries and the United States whether the relationship whether directly or indirectly related to the strategic, premise without prejudice to the existing international order and avoid war, you want to know more about an emerging intentions and ambitions of the powerful countries, his diplomacy as why: in the United States, and the relationship of the Petroleum Exporting Countries that? How it affects the input of Chinese oil? How to solve the problem of domestic oil consumption in China? Third, the United States and the oil to compete, and how it affects their diplomatic strategy? Found to have a squire and contend relationship with China, the United States and other compared to weaker countries between the oil interests subtle diplomatic relations, and for now the rise of China is not a tough strength confrontation with the United States, relative, it is based on squire relationship, so the weaker countries or anti-American countries, squire strategy, alliances, to win over the good relations between his country and China, China is also looking for an urgent need for China by developing countries to establish and maintain good oil diplomatic means, good energy strategy; relative by the the country squire relations and diplomatic alliance to soft to compete against on U.S. foreign economic interests and strategic position. In order to ensure oil security, Chinese oil companies in the Persian Gulf, especially in Iran and Saudi Arabia to establish oil interests. Sino-US diplomatic demands vary, only seeking common ground while reserving differences, mutual respect for each other's interests and the bottom line, the biggest beneficiaries of China and the United States is to maintain the trilateral relationship. The study suggests that in diplomatic relations between the countries, due to the emergence of the third country, the country's political and national interests conflict with the so-called international moral interdependence, the relative resources of many of the weaker countries, so these conflicts exploited a blank; addition to oil also mentioned in the text of the diamond the same, there should be more of the interests of diplomacy between countries and any other occurrence research at. Keywords: squire, soft contend, diplomacy, oil




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