  • 學位論文


A Study on Biological Activity Components of Taxus mairei

指導教授 : 劉炳嵐


台灣紅豆杉(Taxus mairei)又稱南洋紅豆杉(Taxus sumatrana),紅豆杉科,紅豆杉屬,為裸子植物,是台灣貴重針葉五木之一。許多研究表示,紫杉醇藥物對於腫瘤尤其是卵巢癌和轉移性乳腺癌有效,如同其它化學治療一般,紫杉醇也有許多藥物毒性,較常見的毒性包括急性過敏反應。台灣紅豆杉萃取液來自於枝葉萃取物,目前已有商業化產品,由於有關紅豆杉的研究幾乎都著重於抗癌成分,對於其枝葉所含功效成分卻缺乏相關科學佐證資料。礙於紫杉醇的副作用,本研究利用高效液相層析儀(HPLC)為基礎,確定萃取液樣品中內不含紫杉醇及其前驅物(10-DAB)化合物,透過分析方法確認萃取液中功能性成分,總萜含量0.393±0.010 mg/mL、總酚含量0.448±0.020 mg/mL、總黃酮含量0.032±4.5×10⁻⁴ mg/mL。傅立葉紅外線光譜儀(FT-IR)建立特性光譜圖,結果在3367, 2927, 1603, 1516, 1384, 1265, 1052 cm⁻¹處有特徵峰,顯示樣品中可能含有酚類(3367~3345 cm⁻¹, 1268~1265 cm⁻¹)、黃酮類(1603~1595 cm⁻¹ and 1514~1516 cm⁻¹)及萜類(2939~2927 cm⁻¹)。以半製備型HPLC分為四區進行收集,從生物活性試驗較佳之片段三,收集該區間各單一化合物,透過LC/MS、GC/MS、¹H-NMR、¹³C-NMR及FT-IR等分析鑑定,實驗結果得到兩個化合物皆為酚類化合物。


萜類 酚類 10-DAB 紫杉醇 台灣紅豆杉 黃酮類


Taxus mairei is also known as “Taxus sumatrana”, it belongs to the family of Taxaceae. T. mairei is a gymnosperm plant, one of the five valuable woods of conifer leaves and the national treasure varieties in Taiwan. The extraction of T. mairei is the first-found main source of paclitaxel. Several studies have shown that the paclitaxel which is also named taxol drug is effective against tumors, especially ovarian cancer and metastatic breast cancer and other types of solid tumor cancers. Yet paclitaxel also has many kind of drug toxicities, the most common allergic reactions such as acute toxicity. T. mairei extract which is derived from the branch and leaves is found there is still a lot of other commercial products. Since studies on T. mairei almost exclusively focus on anti-cancer components, there is a lack of research on the other functional components contained in the branch and leaf. A research confirmed by HPLC analytical technique show the result that T. mairei's leaves and branch extract solvent didn't detect any presence of paclitaxel. The solvent extraction contains functional compositions, which has confirmed by analytical methods. Preliminarily results showed that total phenol content was found to be 0.393±0.010 mg/mL of gallic acid equivalents, total triterpenes content was found to be 0.448±0.020 mg/mL of ursolic acid equivalents and total flavonoids content was found to be 0.032±4.5×10⁻⁴ mg/mL of quercetin equivalents in the crude extract of T. mairei. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was employed to characterized the extract of T. mairei. The adsorption peaks were observed at 3367, 2927, 1603, 1516, 1384, 1265, 1052 cm⁻¹ correspond to the phenols (3367-3345 cm⁻¹, 1268-1265 cm⁻¹), flavonoids (1603-1595 cm⁻¹) (1514-1516 cm⁻¹) and terpene (2939-2927 cm⁻¹). The semi-preparative HPLC was used to collect four fractions and the fragment 3 was found to be the best activity. The compounds were identified by LC/MS, GC/MS, ¹H-NMR, ¹³C-NMR and FT-IR. As a result, both compounds were phenolic compounds.


Flavonoids Terpenoids Phenolics 10-DAB Taxol Taxus mairei


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