  • 期刊


A Study of "Criminal Responsibility" and the Interrelated Code during the Period of Qin-Han Dynasties


我國自古以來,即有三宥三赦之法,而此種對於老、小、有疾乃至於婦人犯罪者,特別從寬處罰之精神,既被視為我國古代恤刑思想的體現,同時亦可比擬於現代刑法思想中關於「刑事責任能力」之法理觀念。此一恤刑精神並自秦漢以降,逐漸落實為具體的法律條文,降及《唐律•名例律•老小及疾有犯》,更形成定制。逮及宋元明清時代,大多仍能繼續延襲我國固有律上此一恤刑思想,並具體規範於各代的律文內。 惟我國秦漢時代之類似規範,由於文獻史料的闕載,過往是研究此一法律思想遞嬗過程中的一大缺憾。近些年來,由於《睡虎地秦墓竹簡》等相關考古文物的出土,終於填補了此一缺憾。 本文即運用《睡虎地秦墓竹簡》、《張家山竹簡》及《漢代屯戍遺簡》等出土文書,輔以史籍所載文獻史料,證明了即使以嚴刑峻法著稱之秦代,亦未嘗違背此一恤刑思想;並對秦漢時代關於「刑事責任能力」之律令規範,重新予以禪釋。


In the history of Chinese Legal Systems, there has been a code for leniency towards the old, weak and disabled that commits crimes. It is similar to the concept of ”criminal responsibility” in the philosophy of modern laws. The spirit of leniency has turned to be embodied in the provisions of the law since Qin-Han Dynasties, and has become an established rule in T'an-Law. And through the dynasties of Song-Yuan-Ming-Qing (960-1911), the established rule has been carried on in the provisions of the law. This thesis is utilize the unearthed documents of the bamboo slats unearhed in Shuihudi Qinmu, the bamboo slats unearthed in Zhangchiashan, and the bamboo slats unearthed of quarter in Han dynasty, consult the historical documents, to prove the Qin dynasty which be famous for its severe laws, couldn't violated the concept of leniency. Finally, this text will give the new explain on the code of the ”criminal responsibility” in Qin-Han Dynasties.


