  • 期刊


Revitalization Project Assessment Study of the Evaluation for the Farm Ponds in Taoyuan


陂塘為人工構築之地景,過去做為農業灌溉之用,由於都市發展與經濟環境演變,水利設施興闢造成陂塘經濟功能限縮,使陂塘地形也急遽變遷與轉型,生態環境亦受到衝擊與破壞,面臨快速消失的危機。如何活化陂塘及永續發展,和經濟及城市永續發展或灌溉技術日益密切及重要,成為必須面對的重要課題。本研究將以兩個以上不同研究方法針對陂塘活化過程分析探討,採用模糊德爾菲方法(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM)研擬評估因子,再以分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)決策模式工具,求取各待決方案的優先順序權值,依此選出最佳陂塘活化與永續發展發展方向與模式。最終以折衷排序法(塞爾維亞語VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje, VIKOR)與重要程度-績效水準分析(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)進行方案現況滿意度之評估,並提出未來可改善之處。研究結果發現陂塘活化模式中,透過限制開發維持陂塘自然環境之完整性為最優先之方案,且可知環境保護限制開發為最優先需改善之方案,其驗證將可作為桃園陂塘整體發展關鍵評估準則與方案。


As a specific manmade landscape, farm ponds were mainly used for agricultural irrigation. Due to the urban development and economic environment change, the function of farm ponds has decreased while the construction of the water conservancy facilities increased. It also resulted in the crisis of the farm ponds vanishing. In recent years, as the global warming and climate change become more intensive, farm ponds accidentally play the important role for palliation. Therefore, the issue to revitalize the farm ponds and make the environment more sustainable, while keeping promoting the economic growth and developing the technology of irrigation has got critical. In this research, Fussy Delphi method was applied to propose evaluation indicators of farm ponds conservation and regeneration projects. Afterwards, the study applied Analytic Network Process method through group discussion to obtain the priority value of each project. Accordingly, we found the optimal pattern of the farm ponds revitalization and the way for sustainable development. Finally, we assessed the satisfaction of the revitalization projects by VIKOR and Importance- Performance Analysis was applied to score the importance and satisfaction of the indicators. This study focuses on the farm ponds in Taoyuan and the key guidelines and the revitalization project mechanism of the farm ponds are discussed by considering the stakeholders, such as the public sector, developers, landlords, conservation group and the communities. We set up the assessment model through spatial analysis and expert questionnaire methods. The result shows that the best pattern of revitalization is limiting the exploitation to maintain the natural environment integrity of the farm ponds. This research is expected to be a reference for local government to evaluate the development projects of the farm ponds and set up the revitalization policies in the future.
