  • 期刊


Becoming a Part of Jianguo Morning Market: Shaping the Sense of Place by Social Movement in Taichung City




This article explores how actors produced different Sense of Place when Jianguo Morning Market was demolished by the government. Sense of place is a controversial issue. Is this Sense of Place come from social structure or personal emotion? This research provides Sense of Place that is not only personal emotions but also social structure. In 2007, Taichung City Hall launched the Taichung main station program which relocated Jianguo Morning Market to a new place. However, after 2015, local people dissatisfied with the government's program. Thus, local residents, vendors, and advocacy groups organized different events that served as their cry for historical meaning in Jianguo Morning Market. The paper gathered the data through the in-depth interview, observation as being immersed with local residents, vendors, and advocacy groups as well as with the government documents and field note. As Jianguo Morning Market was demolishing by government, translators connected vendors and residents with advocacy groups to face the challenge. The research found, under the social movement, that culture translators used culture translation so that they can connect diverse groups. Hence, culture translators play a crucial role in bridging the gap between vendors and advocacy groups to shape the sense of place. In summary, Sense of Place is not only the attachment of personal emotions, but also the construction of society. At the same time, cultural translators not only unite different actors, but also transform the emotions of various groups to evoke their Sense of Place.


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