  • 期刊


The Application of Drama Skills in Clinical Communication Training




Implementation of medical humanities is difficult in hospitals. Therefore, we tried to design and run workshops with more attractive elements. The application of dramatic skills is favored by learners because it is fun and close to reality. To develop a drama-oriented workshop to cultivate medical humanistic continuous education for communication training, 97 learners including medical staff, administrators, Postgraduate Year (PGY) residents and Undergraduate Year (UGY) students participated 5 communication training workshops led by 3 drama experts. Each drama expert held one or two workshops independently at the hospital according to their unique profession at drama. The quantitative and qualitative outcome data were collected before, during, and after the workshops which included: the leader's notes, the observer's written records, the questionnaire, and meeting minutes after workshop. The questionnaires were designed according to each workshop's special purpose. The quantitative results showed that participants found the workshop "touched" and "very rewarding", and had an upper-middle-level response in almost every item of the questionnaire. Qualitative analysis of data provides a thematic description about the participants' insights, facilitators' difficulties and future suggestions.


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