  • 期刊


The Establishment of Ministry of Marine Affairs: Its Rationale and Design


民國九十一年三月三十日總統府政府改造委員會議決行政院組織改造方案,在該方案中擬設立海洋事務部,並已納入行政院組織法修正草案,送交立法院審議。如獲得立法院過半數之支持,則海洋事務部及新的行政院組織將於二○○四年五月二十日正式設立。 本文首先呈現組織重組之學術理解及組織重組之目的與可能遭遇之困難。本文並呈現近年來國際海洋法政環境之發展,由聯合國秘書長每年度向聯合國大會提出之「海洋及海洋法報告書」所包含之內容來界定「海洋事務」之意義,並以此作為海洋事務部所應關切的範疇。再進而檢視美國、加拿大、澳洲、韓國、庫克群島、印尼、中共等國設立海洋事務專責機關之經驗與架構,以供我國參酌。 最後,作者就我國海洋事務部未來之可能組織結構提出設計建議。


The Committee on Governmental Reconstruction of the President's Office approved on 30 March 2002 the Reorganizational Plan for the Executive Yuan. In this Plan, the establishment of a Ministry of Marine Affairs was proposed and then included in the Draft Amended Law on the Organization of the Executive Yuan that was later delivered to the Legislative Yuan for its review and approval. The Ministry of Marine Affairs, along with a new organization of the Executive Yuan, is expected to be put in place by 20 May 2004 if the Draft Amended Law is to be supported by a majority of the legislators. This paper offers academic understanding on governmental reorganization and the purposes and potential difficulties that reorganization may encounter. Then, this paper presents the contemporary development of a new international legal-political regime and defines the meaning of ”marine affairs” through the contents of the annual report of the United Nations Secretary-General on ”Oceans and the Law of the Sea” submitted to the UN General Assembly and, with such a definition, to delineate the scope with which the Ministry of Marine Affairs shall have concern. This paper further examines the relevant specialized agencies on marine affairs in countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, Korea, Indonesia, Cook Islands, and the People's Republic of China for their experiences and structures so as to provide references for our consideration. Finally, the author proposes his own recommendations with respect to the potential structural design for the Ministry of Marine Affairs.


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