  • 期刊


Differences in Fitness Levels among SBL Basketball Players of Various Playing Positions




Purpose: Investigate the differences in fitness levels among Super Basketball League (SBL) players of various positions. The results were compared to the international elite basketball players. Methods: Twenty-one SBL players (6 guards, 9 forwards, and 6 centers) were recruited for this study. The explosive power of the lower limbs was measured by counter movement jump and squat jump. A 20-m sprint was used to measure the speed. The agility was measured by a 505 test. The back strength was used as an indicator of whole-body muscular strength. The anaerobic power was measured by a 5×6-second repeat-effort test. The aerobic capacity was measured by a 20-m multistage shuttle run test. Results: The significant differences among different playing positions were found in squat jump power (guard: 4154.2±417.7 W; forward: 4525.2±318.7 W; center: 5005.7±384.8 W), agility (left foot: guard: 2.32±0.1 sec; forward: 2.31±0.14 sec; center: 2.47±0.08 sec; right foot: guard: 2.27±0.97 sec; forward: 2.31±0.14 sec; center: 2.46±0.08 sec), anaerobic power (peak power: guard: 11.01±1.67 W/Kg, forward: 10.55±1.76 W/Kg, center: 8.46±0.26 W/Kg; total work: guard: 296.21±40.59 J/Kg, forward: 277.85±46.32 J/Kg, center 231.37±10.34 J/Kg). Compared to the fitness levels in international elite basketball players in the literature, SBL players had lower speed, agility, aerobic capacity, and anaerobic power. Conclusions: The results suggested that guards generally showed better performance in each test, while centers performed better in strength-related tests. Forwards were relatively average in each test. The test methods in this study can be used to evaluate the training effects in different training periods in basketball players. These methods can also be used to examine the degree of recovery after injuries. The training in SBL players need to emphasize on speed, agility, aerobic capacity, and anaerobic power in order to be successful in international competitions.


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