  • 期刊


Applicability of Body Composition Techniques in the Elderly




身體組成 老化 脂肪量 骨骼肌


Muscle mass loss and body fat distribution changes are common in the elderly. Those changes are closely related to the cardiovascular disease risk and physical function. Body composition assessments can be used in screening, inspection and monitoring when applied to the management of chronic illnesses. Therefore, selecting suitable tools will be important to body composition assessments in health promotion strategies. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry has been widely used for body composition assessments in the elderly. Bioimpendance analysis was a useful tool in clinical practice. However, body-water content and hydration are more unstable occurring in the aged. That is a limitation for body composition application in the elderly. We suggest that it is important to develop the skinfold thickness and ultrasound equation for elderly body composition in the future.


body composition aging fat muscle mass


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