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Construction and Reformation, Openness and Closeness: Reflections on the Meaning of the History of Taiwan Regional Literature




Under the tide of globalization, stark transformation has dissolved our concepts of region and territory, with the culture of local communities disappearing. After 2010, the new five cities are being built in Taiwan, exerting serious impact on the construction of the history of Taiwan regional literature based on the distinction of different counties. This article aims to reflect on the process of writing this history and to point towards lines of development in the future. The first topic concerns the establishment of boundaries of regional literature. The writers lived nomadic lives, and as a result, their works of art are dispersed in different regions. It is therefore very important to examine this fluid process and to account for the openness of regional literature which is no longer to be confined to a specific geographical location. Secondly, the periodization of the history of Taiwan regional literature resembles that of Taiwan literature in general; hence their parallel quandaries. How to define the literary space, the construction of literary forms and the production of literary works in a certain region becomes ever more problematic. Finally, compared to the materials available to construct a history of Taiwan literature in general, those materials available to regional literature are far more abundant, contributing to the project of the former. Yet the framework of Taiwan literature in general could also be a valuable source for our understanding of regional literature. Thus, the two projects should not be regarded as opposed to each other, but as giving feedback to each other. I would in the end emphasize again that the excavation of historical materials is still of crucial importance in this field, and that we have to avoid making grave mistakes in constructing a history of Taiwan literature simply because of the lack of information or disinformation.




