  • 期刊


Using a Historical Corpus of Tâi-oân-hú-siân-kàu-hōe-pò to Study the Evolution of Taiwanese Literary Genres


本研究運用《台灣府城教會報》ê書面語料,beh來探討台語語體ê時間演變。Góan分析1885年到1945年chit 60年內底5種台語書面語體(論說文、批、通訊、故事、小傳)ê演變kah後續ê發展。Chit幾年來語料庫語言學ê發展,提供真大量探討語體變化所需要ê研究工具。Goán利用相關ê電腦分析工具,像自動斷詞、語法標記、頻率統計等等來處理語料。本研究採用Biber(1988,1995)ê多面向方法(multi-dimensional model),借語言特徵tī各種語體ê共現分布狀況,探求早期台語書面語體變遷ê情形。本研究ē kah Jang(1998)關係當代台語語體ê分析做比較,來看出台語語體演變ê大概面貌。


Recent development in corpus linguistics has provided powerful research tools necessary for large scale investigations of genres. With the help of computerbased corpus and automated computational tools, the present study aims at a diachronic analysis of Taiwanese genres during 1885-1945 and their subsequent course of development. The evolution of five Taiwanese literary genres (argumentative essays, letters, news report, story and biography) is analyzed in this study. This study adopts Biber's (1988, 1995) multi-dimensional model to specify textual relations among Taiwanese genres. Furthermore, the results of this study will be compared with Jang’s (1998) synchronic study of Taiwanese genres in order to trace the evolution of Taiwanese genres. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the study of genres in sociolinguistics and the development of corpus linguistics.


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