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A Study of the Rhetorical Techniques of the Use of Interrogatives in "The Literary Heart and the Carving of Dragons" (Wen Hsin Diao Lung)




文心雕龍 修辭 設問 懸問 激問 提問


Based on the three types of interrogation in rhetoric, i.e., the suspended interrogative, the stimulated interrogative, and the hinted interrogative, this study attempts to investigate into the rhetorical techniques of The Literary Heart and the Carving of Dragons (Wen Hsin Diao Lung). By this we know that the rhetorical effect of the suspended interrogative is used to elicit expected consensus from the reader or, as a circumlocutory strategy, to convey the speaker's view on a certain controversial issue. The rhetorical effect of the stimulated interrogative is to highlight the meaning of the topic, to respond to the tenet of the piece of writing, to strengthen the persuasive power of it, and to conclude it effectively. The rhetorical effect of the hinted interrogative is to elucidate the creative view of the author, to strengthen the logicality of reasoning, and to widen the dimension of the topic. By this we know also how Liu Xie, author of the book, has successfully adopted different types of interrogation in his literary creation, and what he really means by it.Comprehensively, there is a relatively high frequency of using interrogation in the fifty chapters of The Literary Heart and the Carving of Dragons (Wen Hsin Diao Lung). This justifies that the use of interrogatives is favored by the author in order to create the climatic effect of writing. According to textual statistics, the book uses primarily the stimulated and the suspended interrogative at the beginnings of chapters. The reason for this is that the stimulated mode of interrogation has a strengthening effect, which attracts the attention of the reader right from the beginning, while the euphemistic effect of the suspended interrogative might easily evoke the consensus of the reader. At the ends of the chapters, however, it is the stimulated form of interrogation that is more often used. From the viewpoint of the psychology of discourse, the answer to the stimulated interrogative lies on the opposite side of the question: the superficial explanation is not the answer, whereas the real meaning is on the other side. The mood of suspension moves to and fro between the positive and the negative ends, which entails deeper thinking. It is believed that the use of the suspended and the stimulated interrogatives has the function of creating a ”rippling” or ”echoing” effect of writing. Of the three modes, the stimulated interrogative enjoys the highest frequency of occurrence throughout the book, next the suspended interrogative, and the hinted has the least. This justifies the hypothesis that in literary creation, the author often has already some fixed presuppositions about what he or she is to argue, and the purpose of asking seemingly unnecessary questions is mostly to draw the attention of the reader to the subject of discussion at hand.
