  • 學位論文


A study on the Rationality of Percentage of Construction Expense in Table 2 for Engineering Service

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


工程顧問業在臺灣公共工程建設上扮演了極重要的角色,其工程顧問公司之素質及服務品質都直接影響整體工程品質與安全。而經營環境是否完善,對於工程顧問業是否能提升素質與服務品質產生決定性的影響力量。隨著時代變遷,工程技術不斷提升,生態、環保及施工安全等觀念的改變,對於監造工作內容的要求與日俱增,但監造服務費率卻並未隨之調整。長期下來對於工程顧問業產生莫大影響,影響整體工程品質與安全。 「建造費用百分比法」係適用性質較為單純之工程案件,現今公共工程之技術性及複雜度高且施工界面多,工程建造期間常發生臨時性或非預期性之狀況,已非過去所能預料,另國內法令又不斷增加與修正(如採購法、營造業法、職業安全衛生法等),整體環境的變更,不斷增加監造人員的工作內容,對於執行成果要求也更加嚴苛,而監造服務費用卻仍以建造費用百分比法計算,此作法是否適當,已有爭議。 行政院公共工程委員會(以下簡稱工程會)於99年1月29日研商「公共工程技術服務品質提升方案」座談會議(工程會99年3月8日工程技字第09900088580號函)中說明:「已建議機關辦理監造案件時,視其案件特性及需要,儘量使用服務成本加公費法,反映實際成本,訂定合理監造費用。」,然各機關仍普遍習慣採用「建造費用百分比法」或利用該法附表來計算總包價法費用。 本研究已蒐集十年內已完工或接近完工之監造案例為基礎,將各案例工程種類及工程規模進行統計與分析,瞭解不同工程種類與工程級距人力成本差異,並將案例以建造費用百分比法及服務成本加公費法計算監造服務費,再進行服務費用比較,並提出技服辦法之附表二之費率修正建議。


Engineering service in Taiwan plays an important role on the construction of public works, the company's quality of service have a direct impact on the overall quality and safety of the project. And whether the operating environment is perfect, it has a decisive influence on the engineering consultants industry of improving the quality of service. With the change of times, and the continuous improvement of engineering technology, ecological, environmental protection and construction safety and other changes in the concept of the contents of the supervision of the growing demand, the Supervision Service Fee has not been adjusted. It has a great and direct impact on the overall quality and safety of the project for a long time. Percentage of Construction Expense is appled to relatively simple engineering cases. Today, public works are highly technology and more complex and have more construction interfaces. Temporary or unanticipated conditions often occur during construction. In addition, domestic decrees are increasing and amending. The overall environmental changes, but also continue to increase the work of the staff of the content, so the implementation of the requirements are more stringent. But the cost of supervision services is still calculated as a percentage of construction expense, no matter this approach is appropriate or not, has been controversial. The Public Construction Commission of the Executive Yuan has been presented at the symposium on "Quality Improvement Scheme for Public Works Technical Services" on January 29, 2010: It has been recommended by the authorities to handle the case, depending on the characteristics and needs of the case, try to use the cost of services plus public fee law, reflecting the actual cost, set reasonable supervision service fee. However, the agencies are still accustomed to using the "Percentage of Construction Expense " or use the Table to calculate the total package costs. This study has collected information on completion or near completion of the supervision cases within ten years, and analysis to understand the different types of engineering and engineering distance from the human cost difference. The cases will be based on the percentage of construction expense and service costs plus public fee method to calculate the service fee, and then compare the cost of services. Finally, an amendment to Table 2 of the technical approach will be proposed.


