  • 學位論文

社區大學社會網絡建構之探討- 以高雄市第一社區大學農業與農村體驗學習課程為例

The Social Network Building of the Community College in Taiwan: Case Study on the Agricultural Practicum of Kaohsiung First Community University

指導教授 : 陳亮全


本研究主要藉由半結構式訪談及觀察法深入了解高雄市第一社區大學農業與農村體驗課程的發展歷程。從課程的設計,到學員自行組織社團活動來實踐課程所學,發展至後期到的自主行動,進而使社區開始有所互動與連結,本研究企圖了解社區大學的整體發展,分析其中社會網絡如何建構以及影響網絡變化,進而了解社區大學與學員之間的關係,探討學員相互間的角色變化如何影響各階段的資源,乃至於對社區大學社會網絡建構有何影響。 本研究發現,高雄市第一社大的農業與農村體驗課程有幾項特色:首先,「體驗式」的學習方式有助於學員之間關係的建立;其次,透過社團「實作」促進學員彼此更加地活絡外,也提供學員學習相互合作的場域;最後,自主行動的產生是奠基在前兩階段的人力與物力資源的網絡,促使社區大學與學員共同合作該行動,並且有資金的注入。因此,從課堂上知識的傳授與議題的討論轉變成實際作為,進化成為一股行動,讓學員能夠實際的參與及體驗,達到行動的宗旨。同時,本案例中發現社區大學社會網絡建構為動態累積的過程,但發展至某一個高峰之後,卻因人數的急速成長,超出原本網絡所能負荷,進而網絡狀況呈現停滯、甚至消失的現象,有別於先前研究,網絡無法持續地擴張。


This thesis focuses on how the Agricultural Practicum of Kaohsiung First Community University builds up its social network. The major research method employed is semi-structured interviews with some core members participating in initiating the community university, involving as staff and/or students. My participatory observation helps work out a coherent and holistic view for me to obtain a better understanding of activities of Kaohsiung First Community University and the building of social network thereof. The Agricultural Practicum of Kaohsiung First Community University is characterized with its efforts to organize and promote the farming course, the practice in the field and the market of the home-grown organic agricultural products. This way, the members of the farming course form a network of their own to acquire the basic know-how in farming and, more importantly, to strengthen their teamwork and social network. That is to say, the Agricultural Practicum of Kaohsiung First Community University not only provides the farming courses but also helps establish the social relationship between the staff and/or students. However, the building of social network, in this case, comes across some problems when too many people take part in this teaching/farming program. My research concern is to outline the way the social network builds in this Community University and to see why and how it becomes dysfunctional.


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