  • 學位論文


The Revitalization of Urban Riverside: A Case Study of Yonghe Communtiy University’s Ecological Education Center nearby Xindian River

指導教授 : 劉可強


近年隨著民眾環境意識覺醒與公共事務參與度增加,逐步提昇河岸同時作為公共空間所應具有的公共性價值,這股民間力量亦為民眾參與河岸空間規劃與經營管理注入許多新可能。本研究以永和社大在新店溪左岸河灘地經營生態教育園區為例,結合參與觀察與深度訪談法,針對永和社大經營生態教育園區之理念、推展歷程、營運模式、執行限制與挑戰、如何藉由導入活動擴大民眾參與進行整理分析,進而了解持續參與者的動機、參與歷程之心情折轉、以及對於經營團隊的檢討反省。 在永和社大生態教育園區這片園地裡,基於實踐公共領域、以社區大學做為社區參與的理念,永和社大所努力的面向包括以生態保育、生物多樣性理念經營「自然」,以鼓勵學員自我實現、公共參與經營「人」,並希望能達成生態社區的理想,讓綠意蔓延、重塑民眾的生態觀經營「社區」,校方、講師、學員在這自然、人、社區三個面向中,不斷藉由實作、課程、討論中累積經驗知識、反芻修正,除了是一個動態、三面向來來回回辯證、相互支持拓展的過程,三個面向進一步開展出都市河岸的生態價值、公共價值,對於使用者而言,則是因為長期參與,與自然和土地有更密切互動而產生深層的情感連結,願意為環境發聲。 綜合本研究分析指出,永和社大透過組織化的經營與智識資本、社會資本、政治資本的建構,不僅重新開展河岸空間的公共價值,永和社大突破種種困境從無到有的營造過程與後續經營管理,有別於目前公部門所推動的認養維護河濱綠地環境清潔,以及委託民間保育團體認養經營溼地的方式,提供一個「自主」向公部門申請土地使用許可,為公私部門協力合作的機制。本研究認為整合在地性民間組織、專業者、與公部門資源三方面發展協力關係將有助擴大推動民眾參與河岸空間的治理。


In recent years, as citizens’ environmental awareness and the degree of participating in public affairs are gradually increasing, it’s not only to raise the publicity of riverside as a public space, but also to pour new possibilities into citizen-participatory planning and management of riverside.This research is a case study of Yonghe Community University’s Ecological Education Center nearby Xindian River. In-depth interview and participant observation are adopted to organize and analyze the idea and process, operation and management, predicament and challenge, activities to expand public participation, and to discover long-term participants’ motives, changing, feelings, and reflections about their experiences and about the management team. Yonghe Community University devotes its efforts to three aspects, including the conservation of nature and bio-diversity, student self-realization and taking part in public affairs, and creation of an ecological community. These three aspects mutually support each other and form a dynamic circle. In this circle, the staff, teachers and students accumulate experience-knowledge, ruminate and revise again and again by doing, learning and discussing. These three aspects proceed to develop the ecological and public value of urban riverside. For users, because they have participated for a long time and interacted with nature and land more intimately, they developed a deep attachment and a willingness to proclaim for environmental values. This research concludes that by means of organization-management and the construction of intellectual capital, social capital and political capital, Yonghe Community University not only overcame many predicaments to establish and manage this site but also re-established the public value of urban riverside. This case is different from the mechanism of simply maintaining the riverside clean or the government entrusting NGOs to manage wet land. It provides a self-initiated mechanism which brought together the public and the private resources to apply for land-use permission. This research regards that the collaborating local NGO, the professionals and the public in establishing a partnership may help expand and promote citizen-participation in the governance of riverside environment.


Forman, R. T. T. (1995). Land Mosaics: the Ecology of Landscape and Regions. New York: Cambridge University Press.


王文靜(2010)。社區大學社會網絡建構之探討- 以高雄市第一社區大學農業與農村體驗學習課程為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.00604
