  • 學位論文


The research for participation of Non-governmental gorganizations in a wetland construction-A case study of Wu Ku wetland constructed by the Society of Wilderness (SOW)

指導教授 : 林鎮洋


民眾參與自然資源保育已成為世界潮流,而非政府組織(Non-governmental organizations, NGOs)在公民參與決策的發展過程中,正扮演著相當重要的角色,此一參與方式突破傳統單一的由上往下的決策模式,使一般被排除在決策外的民眾能有一個正式管道與行政官僚體系溝通,共同參與社會發展。以2004年台北縣政府正式委由中華民國荒野保護協會認養五股濕地,進行濕地營造的個案為例,即象徵自然保育工作由下往上的經營模式。 本研究結合內容分析法、深入訪談法及問卷調查法,選取荒野保護協會為研究對象,針對荒野保護協會經營理念、五股濕地營造過程的營運模式、濕地營造過程中導入民眾參與的機制、志工制度、協會財物資源、執行問題等進行質性分析;有關問卷設計的量化研究,論文中利用多變量分析方法,以參與民眾之身份背景作為控制變數,試圖找出民眾參與動機與參與程度間之關係,所得之結果可提供荒野保護協會與其他相關團體參考,以建立民眾參與模式。問卷調查分析使用李克特量表(Likert Scale)衡量問卷中之各問項,以SPSS統計軟體進行數據分析。 研究顯示,非政府組織介入濕地議題,能化解政府各部門事權不統一的問題,透過民間保育團體的認養,專門規劃管理,使得濕地生態的功能與價值逐漸顯現出來;不過由於民間保育團體欠缺固定充足的資金運作,因此仍須藉由政府編列預算挹注。 在問卷分析結果方面,由相關性分析可知參與程度與性別、教育、專長等變項有顯著之相關性。女性者參與程度較低。教育程度越高者參與程度越低,專程非為環境、生態者,參與程度越低;此外,在民眾參與方法管道方面,以自立與傳統兩方面得分最高,顯示靜態的陳列展覽、公告,演講、說明、傳播,散發宣傳品、資料手冊及廣告摺頁等與民眾自發的發起相關活動等,為主要民眾參與之管道;由受訪者民眾參與動機可知,參與者之動機依得分高低依序為「意識」、「利他」、「個人」、「利己」、「打發」、「社會」與「實質回饋」之形式,顯示參與者之動機主要因參與者特殊因素、意識型態或價值觀,而加入志願服務工作,次而為了助人與具有社會責任,再而才是因為個人而參與。 濕地為一個脆弱的生態系統,極易受到人為干擾而消失,建議政府應及早納入民眾參與的機制,整合政府與民間力量進行濕地復育的經營管理。


Public participation on natural resources conservation has become a world-wide trend, meanwhile, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are playing an important role on development of the public participating decision-making process. This significant way of participation makes a break-through on traditional decision-making model, and provides a formal communication channel with administration staff for those who are usually barred from decision-making process. The Wu Ku wetland construction case which Taipei County Government authorized the society of Wilderness (SOW) to manage, for example, stands for a bottom-up management model of natural resources conservation. The objective of this study is to understand the implementation of the society of wilderness in Wu Ku Wetland Ecological Park. It combines methods of the content analysis, interview and questionnaire survey in the context. It concerns the viewpoints of the association, operation models on the wetland, the mechanism of public participation, volunteer programs, finance, and implementation problems from the qualitative survey. According to the study, the non-governmental organization predominates the manage issue on the wetland, it can avoid the inconsistent points among all departments in the government. While the government should support the non-governmental organizations on the finance issue. In the quantitative method, measuring the questionnaire with the Likert scaling, it calculates with the multivariate statistical analysis using the software SPSS. This study had characterized public participation in three parts-- the background of the public, participation methods, and participation motivation. We concluded few major consequences as follows: First, throughout the correlation analysis, it has come up that there are significant correlations between participation level and sexual, education, and professional specialty. The female, people with higher education, and people with professional specialty on environmental issue have higher participation level. Then, the major methods for the public participation in this study are by the means of self-help and conventional means. According to the survey, the first motivation of the public participation is ideological motivation, the next is altruistic motivation, personal growth motivation, egoistic motivation, leisure time motivation, social relationship motivation and material/reward motivation, respectively wetlands are fragile ecosystems due to the constant disturbance made by man. It is suggested to establish a mechanism of public participation earlier on the management issue to protect the wetlands.


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