  • 學位論文


A Local Other/Place: Taipa Old Village, Macao SAR as a Place

指導教授 : 康旻杰


本研究認為澳門一向缺乏關於氹仔的地方研究,對近廿年來地貌的鉅變欠缺分析及記錄,嘗試藉本文填補澳門研究的這個缺口,並採他方的概念分析氹仔舊城區作為一種地方的流變及內部的辦證張力。同時,為該地區內有待規劃之文化遺產,提供在地文化保存相關討論之基礎。 首先,爬梳氹仔村發展至現今氹仔舊城區的政經脈絡,探討在地方如何被建構,箇中地方與人的關係,及動態的變遷過程,包括影響地方發展卻鮮為人討論的分區城市規劃,以及世遺以外文化遺產和其所在的街道紋理現正面對的困境。其次,聚焦晚近非地方(nonplace)如何取徑由上而下的管治規劃、公司投資項目和路氹城旅業的蔓延,滲透到在地方帶孔的邊界內,縉紳化並影響了人們的日常生活空間。最後,揭示他方(other/place)作為地方及非地方並置、共存、重疊的第三種空間,如何發揮其失落的驅動力,促使基於為滿足懷舊的流變,為地方帶來能保有在地的路徑,在面對非地方滲透的同時不被取代(replaced),而是展開再地方化(re-placing)的過程,為氹仔舊城區的未來發展、文化保存累積在地養分,並帶來各種可能的機遇。


澳門 氹仔 文化保存 縉紳化 地方


This thesis claims that the lack of research about Taipa and analysis of the radical landscape transition is a flaw in Macao studies for long. Thus, this thesis attempts to be a pioneer in this research area with the concept “other/place”, analyzing the becoming process of Taipa Old Village as a place and the dialectic tensions within the two typical place models, the place and the nonplace. Besides, this research lays the groundwork for the future discussion about the preservation of the non-listed cultural heritages which represent the local history and culture within the district. Firstly, the paper gives an overview of the political and economic context in which the ancient Taipa Village developing into the present Taipa Old Village, explaining how a place is constructed, as well as the relationship between people and the place. In addition, the important but obscure district planning regulation, and the current circumstances the non-World Heritage sites and the street fabric are to be discussed. Secondly, focusing on the process how the nonplace has been penetrating through the porous boundary of the place via the top-down governance, the author analyzes the companies’ investment projects and the sprawl of the Cotai tourism, which terminally gentrifying and influencing the people’s space of everyday life. Finally, by discussing the other/place as a third type of place taking place while the local/place and the nonplace are juxtaposed, coexisting or overlapping, the author points out that there is a driving force derived by the fallen, which induces the becoming of place due to nostalgia, and, by the way, the local characteristics of the place is preserved by the routing. In such a case, the place will not be replaced but has been re-placing when confronting the penetration of the nonplace. Furthermore, local nutrition is being accumulated for the Taipa Old Village future planning and the cultural preservation, and hence, opportunities knock.


Macao Taipa cultural preservation gentrification place


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