  • 學位論文


Architectural Discourse and Design Practice of Transplanted Modernity: Wang Dahong and the Polemics, 1950-70s

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


本研究試圖剝解「文化代理人王大閎」之建築實踐在台灣現代建築運動中的意義,特別就其針對「現代主義」與「國族國家」認同計劃之折衝,以「東方神韻」提供「理想形式」(ideal form)以為「文化主體性」解答為核心,重探五○到七○年代間「現代建築」空間意識所隱涵之「移植的現代性」。而「中國建築現代化」「折衷復古步驅」與「現代主義陣營」的傳統與現代之爭,更成為本文掌握「現代主義」之「普同性」(功能主義)架構如何因應二次戰後「認同議題」需求?之特殊氛圍。面對「美式現代主義」作為文化移植之重要參照範型,其「技術理性」、「紀念性」(公共性的「社會建築」)、「住宅提案」(社會烏扥邦)等核心議題,如何在台展現與轉化?則為分析議題。談及論戰與國族認同計劃間千絲萬縷的關係,從認同政治的意像化意識形態之空間生產角度言,即畫出本文時間的軸向-從《中山陵》到《國父紀念館》,象徵了認同計劃的建造與重建如何在「紀念性」建築提案中展現,公共性如何被操作,而論戰兩造的知識論傳統又如何實踐。另外,作為台灣現代主義神殿之王大閎自宅,所牽引者非僅是王氏個體的創作欲望,同時也在美式現代主義住宅類型逐步在地化的過程,扮演轉譯者角色,創造了「新家務性」。而宛若王氏自傳的《杜連魁》一書,作為「表徵的空間」,則潛藏了現代主義者的烏扥邦及自我塑像。 從王大閎的「中國現代住宅」提案言,發掘其住宅充滿著「社會病態治療劑」意涵之「尊貴野蠻人」論述,結合儒家父權體制下的倫理觀念與流動的空間佈局,創造了典範式的生活舞台。而建築師作為洞察世情,主客合一,並創造民族精神之先知預設,在現實生活中卻成為一種隔離與靜默的自我塑像,其社會使命最終落於隱遁的烏扥邦之中,"先知"的神話由此崩解。 接著,從私領域滑向公共空間之認同政治書寫。《中山陵》一案,折衷復古步驅者以「邁向古典主義」之名,作為中國建築文藝復興運動之「民族形式」論述基礎,藉以再現「精神的東方」(文化主體性)。專業者以「結構理性主義」的技術意志,融合「歷史主義科學史學」與「社會有機進化論」,面對尋求共和國肇建的文化與藝術旨趣,接合了以「漢族�孔教單一文化有機體」為核心的國史論述,延續「中體西用」的思維。而結構理性主義」視野下的「中國建築」論述,將「理性原則」作為理解「傳統」的路徑。輔以人文主義強調“為建築的紀念性著人文衣裝”,以及“從外部入”(outside in)的形式審美原則,回應民族形式需顧及「中國古式之追求與現代工程技術之進化」之雙元論預設。其「現代乃對過往重新詮釋」策略,開放了「折衷主義」取徑的合法性,輔以「科學理性」視野分析「傳統原則」,使得「傳統」已不再是對過往的擬仿,而是一種透過理性原則所中介的現代性經驗。如此,即架構了「再造傳統的機會」。 進一步將《中山陵》國喪儀式所展現者之道德範型「為公烏扥邦」(東方的「彌賽亞」),將其對照「彌賽亞」,離析「移植的現代性」。缺乏現代國家制度性架構的「為公之治」,以「國魂」說越過了一切集體組織,輔以法西斯的政權統治,使得潛藏於「中國建築的文藝復興」論述之「市民社會」關懷,僅能簡化為「技術理性」向度。其「傳統」(中體-精神的東方)成為「現代」的“時空壓縮”經驗。論及認同計劃之重建,本文以《國父紀念館》為例,論「現代主義者」的「地域主義」論述,此案根據「抽象表現主義」取徑的「粗獷主義」與「面相學表現主義」共同鋪陳一種抽象的新紀念性。並將其論述放諸工業社會與國族認同計劃。則發掘「紀念性」形塑了語意架構的瓦解,是一種由新文化時間鋪陳出的現代經驗,為一種「回到未來」的現代計劃。如此,「東方神韻」竟成普同化世界中“異體同形”的迪士尼。「地域主義」論述的單一文化體系論,更塑造了另一波文化內部殖民的現象。而法西斯統理之公共空間提案,在市民社會缺席的狀態中,使得現代主義者的公共性�紀念性提案落入形式操作的範疇。而與折衷復古步驅皆只能關懷形式表現之議題。 最後,討論公共住宅議題所牽引之「類型」�「社會使用」在台發展之特殊性。學院將其理解為純粹的空間組織安排與造型藝術表現、人道主義關懷的「計劃之學」與「住宅議題」為土地轉手的暴力所摧毀、加上第三世界國家活絡的民間住宅市場,乃國家提供集體消費工具近乎缺席的生產機制(「國宅」從來就不是台灣主流的住宅提供者),使得台灣版本的「現代主義」,面對土地資本化的過程,瓦解了宗族與土地關係,在核心家庭與分戶產權制度隨之接軌的現代性計劃中,缺乏「反身性現代性」賴以生存的空間一即生產關係的反省。因此,當現代主義者在公共服務並無空間紮根的狀態下,逐漸退卻其社會烏扥邦的閃耀色彩,同時也回應了何以「中國建築現代化之爭」何以成為建築專業界最引人之議題?呈現了「現代主義」論述既蒼白又無力的命運。


The cultural agent- Wang Dahong plays a significant role in Taiwan‘s modern architecture history. In order to investigate the transplanted modernity mediating of Taiwan’s modern architecture during 1950 to 1970s, This research tries to focus on Wang’s “oriental aura”; the cultural subjectivity representation project which proposed by Wang as the ideal form of situating functionalism with national identity topic in the polemic between eclecticism and modernism. After World War II, the Republic of China government, KMT, migrated from mainland China to Taiwan. In the meantime, the American Modernism which mention technical reasons, monumentality (publicity of social architecture), and housing project (social utopia) was the main reference model of Taiwanese architecture cultural transformation. This research also explores how the key issues of the American Modernism transferred to Taiwan. According to the imaged ideological concern, this research structures on the time frame of depicting identity projects of KMT: from Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum (1929) in Nanjing, China to National Father Monument in Taipei, Taiwan (1971). These buildings symbolize how the identity projects had been built and rebuilt, how the publicities had been handle, and what were the epistemology instruments of eclecticism approach and modernism oriented. In spite of the public identify projects, Wang Dahong’s private space; his dwelling is one of the holy places of Taiwan’s Modern architecture. His dwelling reflects his creating desire; it also plays a role of cultural transformation which created the “new domesticity”. Wang’s auto-biology novel “Do Lian-grey” mentions about the notions of modernist’s Utopia. Wang’s ideal Chinese modern dwelling project appears the “The Noble Savage” concept. This concept considers that the building is an instrument of social utopia. This social utopia is the cure of the society’s pathological condition, which co-existed with Confucianism’s moral discourse of the floating spatial organization into a typical life stage. The architect is the creator and the seer of national spirits who indulged in the silent and alienated situation from the real world. Wang’s social utopian mission was indulged in reclusion. therefore, the prophetic mythology is crushed. The Chapter three in this research swishes Wang’s identity topic (his dwelling project) to the public sphere of national monumental architecture program, Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. The eclecticism approaches in Wang’s team effectuated this project by the spirits of “towards classicalism.” They tried to represent the ideas of “spiritual orient” (cultural subjectivity) and to develop the national style discourse of Chinese Renaissance movement. The professionals mixed up the historicism’s scientific approaches and the social progressive organisms to create a culture and a taste of the Public. Furthermore, they combined this new culture and taste with the technical wills of the structural rationalism. They articulated the notion; “Han’s racial/Confucianism is the only cultural organic essence of China,” with national history discourse, and extended the idea of “Chinese learning for essence, Western knowledge for function”. They developed Chinese architecture discourse by structural rationalism. They used the “rational principles” for catching up the essence of “tradition.” In addition, they clothed monumental building by humanist approach and “outside in” formal analysis rules to respond the dual hypothesis of “searching for Chinese classical formal aesthetic and concerning modern technical improvement.” Their strategy was “Modern is the re-interpretation of the past legitimated eclecticism approach.” Their notion of “tradition” had already transferred the status of mimesis into the rational principle of modern experience, and then created the opportunity of re-creating tradition. In order to explore the content of transplanted modernity, this research tries to compare the oriental moral Utopia: “Wue-Guan” with the western Messiah. Due to concerns of “Wue-Guan” lacked the national institutions, the power bloc tried to employed national soul idea to cross over every collective organization as well as followed Fascist regime governance. Their strategies decreased civil society concerns which existed in the Chinese Architectural Renaissance movement and transferred the main issue into the technical reason. The notion of “tradition” (Chinese leaning-spiritual orient) became the “time space comparison” of the modernity experience. Chapter Four tries to shift this research into the national identity rebuild project, the case study of National Father Monument in Taipei (1967-71), to explore the content of modernist regionalism. This project based on the Brutalism in Abstract Expressionism approach and the Physiognomic Expressionism to deliver a kind of abstract new monumentality. Furthermore, Wang also referenced this project with the industrial society and the national identity context. He found out the “new monumentality”, a de-constructed semantic structure, is one kind of modern experience that shaped by new cultural time which is a “back to future project”. Therefore, the “oriental aura” of modernist regionalism is a universal homogenous Disney. The single national culture system discourse shaped a wave of cultural inner colonial phenomena. Due to the civil society and the public space project were failed by Fascist governance, the dialogue of both modernists’ publicity/monumentality and the eclecticism approaches indulged into the formal expression circle. Finally, this research tries to find out the specialty of “type/social use” idea of the public housing programs in Taiwan. The architectural schools considered this idea is the organization of spatial arrange and the formal expression. The humanists’ planning theories and public housing topics were destroyed by land speculation, government didn’t propose national collective consumption service, and the active housing market was produced by private developmental company (public housing is not the main supporter in housing market). Base on this context, Taiwan’s modern Architecture discourses lack the existing spaces of modernity-reflexive thinking of production relationship when they face on the process of land use capitalization, de-constructed the relationship of lands and clans, and the single family housing and housing property right program of modernity projects. Therefore, when the modernists faced to this non constructed public service program, the social utopia idea was dying. This research explores and presents the dejected destiny of the modernism and responds why the Modernizing Chinese Architecture polemic had became the main issue of this period.


夏鑄九(1988),〈空間形式演變中之依賴與發展-台灣彰化平原的個案〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》Vol.1, No.2.3,pp.263-338。


