  • 學位論文


Investigating the Factors Affecting the Outcomes and Service Quality of the Competitive Employment Service for People with Disabilities

指導教授 : 張彧


背景與目的:我國施行身心障礙者社區化就業服務已近二十年,有關就業服務成效的研究甚少。本研究欲透過台北市社區化就業服務資料,探討影響身心障礙者社區化就業服務成效的因素及服務品質。 方法:利用2010年台北市勞工局派案社區化就業服務及全國身心障礙者職業重建服務資訊管理系統進行資料收集與統整,並進行描述性統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、二元邏輯迴歸分析、多變項迴歸分析。 結果:(一)成效現況:推介成功、就業成功、穩定就業結案的比例從80.3%逐漸下降至64.1%,平均每月薪資達到基本工資的比例為43%,平均工作日數與就業服務日數比為0.52。(二)影響因素:就業意願、社會適應行為、和就業服務總次數對三項就業率相關指標均有正向的影響,而肢體障礙者與自閉症和精神障礙者較不易推介及就業成功;平均薪資的影響因素為就業意願、障礙程度、和工作經驗;影響工作日數與就業服務日數比的因素依序為就業意願、年齡、障礙類別、和家庭支持度。(三)成效品質:協助社會福利資源的規劃運用、個別化工作目標的設定、支持提供與退出的品質、以及職涯發展計畫和就業後持續支持等方面仍有改善空間。 討論與建議:(一)三項就業率成效指標呈現隨就業時間逐漸下降的趨勢,顯示就業媒合前的評估不夠詳細精確而影響媒合推介的準確度。(二)就業意願是影響身心障礙者就業最關鍵的因素,而學校職業教育的養成對就業意願的建立有重要的影響。(三)透過服務成效品質的檢視,有助於釐清影響成效的服務內容為何。 結論:整體而言,社區化就業服務在各項就業率相關的指標上已有顯著的成效,但協助獲得保障基本生活需要的薪資、待業天數和服務品質上仍有待改善。


Background and purpose: The competitive employment service for people with disabilities has been implemented for almost 20 years in Taiwan. However, only a few researches are available in outcomes of employment services. The purpose of this research was to investigate the factors that affecting the outcomes of the competitive employment service for people with disabilities in Taipei and the quality of the service. Methods: The competitive employment service from Department of Labor in Taipei City Government in 2010 and the information management system for National Vocational Rehabilitation Service were used to collect and integrate data. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, chi-square test, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, binary logistic regression analysis and multivariate regression analysis. Results: (1) Outcomes: The percentages of successful job match, successful job placement and successful employment outcome gradually decreased from 80.3% to 64.1%. The percentage of average monthly wage achieving minimum wage was 43%, and the ratio of average working days to employment service days was 0.52. (2) Impact factors: The work motivation, social adaptive behaviors and total number of employment services all had positive impacts on three indicators related to the employment rate. People with physical disabilities, people with autism and people with mental disabilities were less likely to have successful job match and job placement. The impact factors for average wage included the desire of employment, level of disabilities and work experiences. Factors that affected the ratio of average working days to employment service days were the work motivation, age, disability type and the level of family support. (3) The quality of outcomes: Improvement is still required in assisting of utilizing social welfare resources, setting individualized goals, qualities of supporting provision and withdrawal, and continued support via plans for career development and post-employment support. Discussion and recommendations: (1) Three performance indicators of employment rate showed a decreasing trend with time of employment, suggesting that the assessment before job matching was not accurate and detailed enough and therefore affected the accuracy of job matching. (2) The work motivation was the most crucial factor for employment of people with disabilities. Vocational education in schools can contribute a significant impact to establish work motivation. (3) Reviewing the quality of services can help to clarify which contents in the services could affect outcomes. Conclusion: Overall, the competitive employment service has accomplished significantly in all the indicators related to the employment rate. However, assisting to obtain wages that are required for basic life needs, the numbers of unemployed days and the quality of services still have room for improvement.




