  • 學位論文


Settlement Construction and Social Space Shaping of Sungai Lima: Study of A Malaysian Chinese Stilt Village

指導教授 : 胡家瑜


本論文以位於馬六甲海峽上的華人漁村──五條港,作為田野調查地點,研究對象為村民以及聚落的建築空間。論文首先探討五條港村作為一個華人移民社會的形成過程及其空間特性──包括聚落空間的歷史過程、家屋形式的變化;筆者將以可見的物質遺留以及口述的聚落歷史,對五條港聚落的空間過程做一貫時性及同時性的整理及分析。 五條港村是一個築在潮間帶軟泥地上的高腳 聚落,居民皆為中國福建移民的後代;村民在這個環境裡結合從原鄉帶來的文化習慣,發展出獨特的空間利用方式以及觀念,並實踐於建築與空間上。因此,本論文的討論主要包括呈現一個馬來西亞華人移民聚落的歷史變化,以及聚落的空間現象;並討論此處的生活場景和生活經驗,對如今的村民有著什麼影響。最後也將討論五條港聚落及家屋空間所再現的原鄉文化價值和信仰概念;以及其中所反映和投射的村民對家園的矛盾情緒和多重認同。


馬來西亞 華人 高腳屋 聚落 社會空間 信仰 家園


This thesis is an ethnography focuses on residents and the settlement architecture space of Sungai Lima, a Chinese village located alongside Malacca Strait. The thesis will first discuss the formation process of this Chinese immigrant society and the characteristics of its space, including the historical process of the settlement space and the changes of the form of houses. Based on historical remains and oral interviews, the author made diachronic and synchronic reorganization and analysis of the Sungai Lima’s settlement space. Sungai Lima is a fishing village comprising of stilt houses that were built on the ground of intertidal soft mud. The villagers are descendents of immigrants from Fujian, China. The villagers combined their original cultural habitude from hometown (China) and the characteristics of local environment to develop unique approaches and concepts of space utilization and put into practice upon their housing architecture and spacing. The main purposes of this research are to unfold the historical changes of an immigrant settlement of Malaysian Chinese and the space phenomenon of the village. The author also discusses how these living scenes and life experiences influenced current villagers. The last part of the discussion focuses on the reappearance of hometown cultural values and belief system through Sungai Lima Settlement and their house spacing concepts, and the reflected ambivalent feelings about homeland and the multiple self-identity of the villagers.


Malaysia immigrant Chinese stilt house settlement religion space


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