  • 學位論文


A Study of Incentives for Industrial Park Regeneration -A Case Study of Taichung Industrial Park

指導教授 : 林建元


因應都市產業結構的轉型,大面積的工業用地再利用也隨之日益迫切,近十年來全球經濟的再結構,對台灣地區之產業產生了重大衝擊,更影響了當初大量興闢的產業周邊土地使用,除了公共設施老舊、環境破敗等外在環境問題,還有其背後的產業轉型問題。為了推動產業升級轉型以求永續發展,並且制定獎勵政策鼓勵政府與民間都參與更新再生,亟需參考先進國家如英國、美國都已有工業區再生的成功案例。 因此本研究將以英、美兩國推動都市再生的經驗為基礎,對都市再生理論做回顧,進而分析台灣工業用地因產業變遷產生的影響,以及目前推動工業區再生的困難。主要以現行的產業獎勵措施為研究主體,首先以一般性的都市計畫內之編定工業區為對象,以目的別和政策工具別進行交叉比對,分析獎勵政策的外部效益、適用對象、財務效果、與行政成本等因素。最後以台中工業區為個案研究對象,將先前的分析架構與結果,針對台中工業區之發展現況、主力產業做政策運用的預期成效評估。 本研究之目的在了解推動工業區更新之各種政策工具特性,進而提出將來政策改善之建議,主要討論的政策工具內容包括:協助土地取得、促進土地利用、提高獲利能力、促進產業技術升級,加強人才培訓、推動環境保護、促進企業組織合理化、促進區域均衡發展、推動新興科技事業等。此外,對於運用得當的政策該如何維持或更進一步、對於運用不佳之政策有何問題、該如何改善等,都是本文討論的重點。


It is necessary and urgent that industrial estates should be regenerated because the structure of global industry has changed rapidly. From the past few decades, global economy has reconstructed and has impacted on industries of Taiwan. Take traditional industrial estates in Taiwan as examples, industrial lands have been disused, public facilities have been ruined and disordered, and environments have been contaminated. The most important, depressed industries have reflected transformed economy in modern world and may cause social problems. In order to animate sustainable development of industry, Taiwanese government has referred to experiences of foreign countries and made some policies to encourage cooperation between private and public sectors to participate process of urban regeneration. First, based on successfully British and American experiences and reviewed theories of urban regeneration, this study analyzed current problems of industrial parks in Taiwan which were affected by industrial conversion and clarifies impelling difficulties of regeneration policies. The currently incentives of industry and industrial estates provided by government are main research subjects. Comparing different aims with different implements of renewal policies, and distinguishing their costs, effects, and targets are main content. In the end, Taichung industrial park is chosen for an individual case. According to the unique development and industries of Taichung industrial park, previously analytical consequences are placed into its condition and anticipating to evaluate how these policies could be applied in a real situation. To sum up, there are two main purposes of this study. One is to realize characteristics of renewal implements. These implements include assuming lands, improving profits, upgrading technologies , educating labors, and protecting environments. The other is how to maintain or reinforce those well-functioned policies, and how to amend other unsuccessful policies more applicable.


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