  • 學位論文


Which Nature is Legitimate? The Vicissitudes of Waterfront Agriculture on Xin-Dian River along Yonghe District

指導教授 : 王志弘


本研究探討都市發展歷程中,兩百年來新店溪水岸農業的興衰。作者採用都市政治生態學立場,主張「都市自然」(urban nature)是社會建構和環境力量的共構產物,也呈現了權力關係的運作與不平等。農業是都市自然轉變歷史的一環,也是社會–自然複合體。然而,相對於晚近水岸再開發中的遊憩化和生態保育化趨勢,水岸農業卻逐漸淪為官方欲去之而後快的非法落後景觀。此外,在有機健康、樂活風格和環保意識高漲下,都市農業似乎有復興跡象,特別是都市農園和農夫市集,往往成為永續城市規劃及中產階級休憩的重要議題。然而,水岸維生農耕卻在這幅都市農藝復興圖景下,備受排擠和忽視。 本文運用實地田野考察,深度訪談,以及歷史文獻和地圖分析,以新店溪永和段農耕為例,探討了上述課題。作者首先追溯清季漢人拓墾時期,新店溪下游的水田化和水利灌溉設施演變,以及日本殖民時期,國家對於河域的治理介入和公共化。其次,作者針對戰後河濱農耕地景的轉化,討論在都市化人口增長及颱風水患威脅下,原為重要蔬菜產地的河濱農園消失的歷程。1960年代大規模興建堤防、徵收和拆遷堤外民地與民居,促使農園轉變為邊緣化的洪氾地景。然而,底層城鄉移民隨即在於同時期進駐河岸,展開了維生式的游擊農耕生活,並且建立了在地蔬菜產銷網絡。 作者發現,這些維生農耕者在晚近水濱的遊憩化、公園化趨勢下,不得不持續轉移陣地,並發展出「逐非公有地而耕」的策略以迴避官方建設和取締。然而,在新北市政府要求須有地主身分方得以申請河濱耕作許可的規定下,排除了無法取得地主同意的「非法」農耕者;至於符合前述規範者,則必須接受政府更嚴格的管制。晚近,隨著「大雙和水岸再造計畫」的推展而失去耕地的某些維生農耕者,則試圖尋覓更隱密的耕作場地以謀生。 於是,我們見到了水岸和農業的樣態、功能與意義,乃是不同時期政治經濟發展的產物,也是權力關係運作的媒介,承載著人類加諸河岸自然的不同價值。河濱公園、自行車道、花市、溼地教育園區,以及親水樂園和有機農夫市集,都是都市居民渴望的新興自然樣態與意義,具有高度正當化的價值,體現了特定人水關係和合宜主體形式。相形之下,水濱維生農耕及其勞動身體,則是必須排除的不正確自然與非法活動。這種排除正映照出都市水岸再生與綠美化的自然生產與想像的貧乏。另一方面,這也凸顯當代都市農業復興論述,缺乏對於水岸農耕社群的關注。他們雖倡議「農耕利用」是人與自然的媒介,卻傾向浪漫化和鄉愁式的倡導,使農耕成為中產階級標誌生活品質的符碼。反之,作者主張,除了河岸遊憩化和保育化以外,農園應該更積極成為水岸開放空間使用方式的選項。


This research takes an urban political ecology approach in studying vicissitudes of waterfront agriculture on Xin-Dian River by elaborating the social and environmental powers among this area, and is aiming to reveal the mechanism and unevenness of power relationship behind the process. Agriculture, as a section of urban nature as well, however has been taken as an illegal and backward landscape under the recreational and eco-educational tendency of urban waterfront redevelopment. On the contrary, due to the advocacy of health and greenness become more and more thriving, urban farming has been gradually revival in many ways. For example, urban gardens and farmer markets have become a major symbol of sustainable city and Bourgeois recreations. To understand the context, this research applies methods of field research, depth interview, and analysis of historical documents and maps. With the understanding of variant appropriations on the waterfront of Xing-Dian River during different regimes, we can learn the fact that the disposition of waterfront agriculture have altered according to the different policies. And these policies may be determined by governmental, economic, social, or flood control considerations. Under the recreational trends, the original waterfront farming has been expelled repetitively. In order to survive, the waterfront farmers have to develop many strategies to adapt the unfriendly policies. The original farming activities have been identified as illegal by the municipal government who is continually setting stricter rules, thus the farmers turn into “guerrilla” mode to seek sustainment, and move their operation into more marginal or hidden places. Therefore, we can indicate that the forms and meanings of waterfront agriculture are constructed by political and economic influences throughout different periods. And the public parks, bicycle trails, flower markets, and ecological education park all represent the modern value of urban nature which meets the imaginations of the middle class residents. This kind of appropriations for waterfront embodies the discourse of specific human-nature relationship, and itself exactly reflects the lack of awareness of the community of original waterfront farmers and their historical context. The modern environmentalist discourse may put emphasis on agricultural usage as a sustainable human-natural interaction, but its nostalgic rhetoric romanticizes the advocacy and greatly turns the urban farming into some sort of Bourgeois urbanite’s life style. More importantly, the above-mentioned process is highly exclusive, it spontaneously defines the traditional farming subjects as unrighteous and illegal for environment’s sake, and always demands for further elimination of unqualified practices. Besides recreational and preservationist purposes, the author suggests that the open space of waterfront should be opened to make-a-living agriculture as an alternative usage.


