  • 學位論文


The Business Strategy of a Taiwan KTV Company: The Case of Cash Box Party

指導教授 : 陳忠仁


KTV視聽休閒活動是現代人社交、紓壓的方式之一,與人們生活密不可分。自1990年發展迄今,KTV產業經營模式隨著經濟社會背景、網路科技而變化,現以結合餐飲、商品販售等多元產品及服務為主。   創立於1986年的錢櫃,是台灣KTV產業的先進、領導廠商,其間歷經穩固展店、多角化經營、前往中國大陸市場等發展階段,於眾多後進競爭廠商中保有競爭優勢,穩坐產業龍頭位置。   本研究以個案研究法針對錢櫃集團進行研究探討,分析錢櫃在草創時期(1986年至1993年)、擴張發展時期(1994年至2007年)、挑戰變革時期(2008年至2017年),以及未來(2018年以後)等各個時期發展歷程與經營策略。本研究首先就KTV產業進行分析,歸納出主要競爭者及產業關鍵成功因素。接著盤點錢櫃各時期培養的資源與能力,瞭解其如何進行內部整合與運用,以及因應外部市場環境變遷,如何擬定適配產業關鍵因素之經營發展策略,以保有競爭優勢。最後再針對台灣、中國大陸KTV產業現況,結合錢櫃的競爭優勢,給予未來持續成長的建議。


KTV activities are one of the methods for modern people to socialize and relieve stress which are also inseparable from people's lives. Since its development in 1990, the business model of KTV industry has changed along with the economic and social background as well as network technology. Now, it is primarily a combination of catering, merchandising and other products or services. Founded in 1986, Cash Box Party is an advanced and leading manufacturer of Taiwan's KTV industry. During the development stage of stable branch expansion, diversification, and market development in China, Cash Box Party has a competitive advantage among competitors and maintains the leading position of the industry. This study uses a case study approach to analyze Cash Box Party as well as its strategies and operating processes under each period: early stage (1986-1993), expansion stage (1994-2007), challenge and change stage (2008-2017), and future stage (after 2018). This study first analyzes the KTV industry and summarizes the key successful factors as well as the main competitors. Then, the study proceeded to figure out the core resources and capabilities cultivated in each period of Cash Box Party. By doing so, we could understand how Cash Box Party is internally integrated to respond to the external market environment, adjust its business strategies, and maintain competitive advantage. Finally, based on the current situation of Taiwan and China’s KTV industry and Cash Bax Party’s competitive advantage, the study will give suggestions for its sustainable growth in the future.


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