  • 學位論文


Empirical Study of Child Custody AfterDivorce

指導教授 : 黃詩淳


本論文分為五章,以離婚後未成年子女親權酌定之裁判統計分析為主軸。 在台灣,離婚率相較於過去十幾年明顯上升、出生率則持續下降,爭取未成年子女親權因此成為父母離婚事件中非常重要之一環。「未成年子女最佳利益」原則,係屬不確定法律概念,當事人難以了解此一法律內涵,法院如何將此概念運用於具體個案上,極易衍生爭議。 本研究以民法第1055條之1為主,並以民國101年至103年之540件裁判為素材,將可能影響法院酌定未成年子女親權之因素分成四大類:子女方面、父母方面、子女與父母雙方面、其他方面,在這四大類中各有數個子因素,並將個別子因素對裁判結果之影響程度加以分析、統計。此外,透過訪談3位家事法官、3位社工人員等實務工作者,了解現行實務之運作方式。期能使未成年子女最佳利益更加具體化,使欲爭取未成年子女親權之父母能事先自行評估。最後針對我國現行運作情況及民國102年民法第1055條之1之修正提出個人意見,期能有所幫助。


This thesis is divided into five chapters. It mainly analyzes judicial practice judgments of child custody after divorce. In Taiwan, compared to the last few decades, the divorce rateshave significantly increased and the birthrateshave been on the decline. Therefore, child custody becomes one of the most important issues in divorce litigation. When determining child custody, judges have to make decisions based on “the best interests of the child principle.” However, this is considered an uncertain legal concept that is not easy to understand, and from which disputes can easily arise when the court applies it to an individual case. This thesis focuses on the Civil Code Article 1055-1, analyzing 540Taiwan District Court judgments during the year from 2012 to 2014, and categorizes the potential factors that might influence judges during consideration of minor child custody issues into four parts: (1)aspect of minor child;(2)aspect of parents; (3) both aspects of minor child and parents; (4) other aspects, each of which includessubordinate factors. The thesis aims to figure out the effects of various factors and judgments. Three domestic judges and three social workers were interviewed individually in the thesis to focus on the points of views of practical experiences of the interviewers. The main purpose of the thesis is to conceptualize the uncertain legal concept of“the best interests of the child principle” for others to understand, especially for parents to assess before divorce litigation. Finally, according to the above results of the research, the thesis provides some suggestions and advice to Civil Code Article 1055-1for the law’s amendmentsin the future.


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