  • 學位論文


The Effects of Grouping Methods for Collaborative Learning on Knowledge Sharing Behavior and the Effectiveness of Learning - The Moderator of Learning Style

指導教授 : 楊明玉


近年來,數位學習重心已從教師轉換為以學習者為中心,而協同學習突破過去單向的知識傳授模式,利用網路群體同步或非同步的溝通型式,提供成員之間進行表達、研討、互相支援,以完成學習任務的合作學習模式,藉此培養學習者思考、理解、判斷、蒐集、應用資訊的能力。 而協同學習並非單單的只是團隊合作學習,深入探討後發現,協同學習提供的是一個具有相同學習目標的群組成員互相交流知識以及互相學習的環境,讓學習更加具有自主性與自發性,學習者也能在數位學習的環境中獲得更佳的學習成效。如何有效促進協同學習團體成員進行知識分享行為並藉此影響學習成效,將是本研究之主題。 故本研究將以實驗法的方式,操作與探討在協同學習模式下,團隊分組方式是否會影響協同學習過程中個人的知識分享行為,並以學習風格作為干擾變數,分析各類型學習風格學習者是否會因不同類型的分組方式進而影響個人知識分享意願及與團隊間成員互動意願,希望藉由各類型學習風格的學習者與分組方式達到互補,進而達到提升個人與團隊學習成效。 本研究結果如下: 一、協同學習分組方式會正向影響知識分享行為中的「分享個人內隱知識」與「分享學習機會」,但不會造成「促進學習動機」顯著差異。 二、不論協同學習分組方式是友誼團隊或相識團隊,知識分享行為與學習成績間無法證明其相關性存在。 三、若分組方式是友誼團隊,知識分享行為中的「分享學習機會」與學習成果有正向影響;而「分享學習機會」、「促進學習動機」會影響學習滿意度,其中又以「分享學習機會」影響更為顯著。 四、若分組方式是相識團隊,知識分享行為中的「促進學習動機」與學習成果有正向影響;而「促進學習動機」與學習滿意度有正向影響。 五、協同學習分組方式與知識分享行為不因學習風格而影響其關係


The focus of E-learning converted from teacher to learner in the recent years, collaborative learning break thought the past one-way of knowledge transfer model, and uses synchronous or asynchronous communication patterns of internet groups. The collaborative learning providing expression, discussion, mutual support among the members, to complete collaborative leaning model of learning task, by this training learner who thinking, understanding, judgment, collected, and application information of ability. The collaborative learning is not just teamwork learning. We found that collaborative learning is provided by a mutual exchange of knowledge among members of the group have the same learning objectives as well as the environment of learning make learning more autonomy and spontaneity. How to effectively promote collaborative learning members of group to influence the behavior of learning outcomes by sharing knowledge will be the subject of this study. This study will use experimental method to operate and exploring collaborative learning model in the team players will affect personal knowledge sharing behavior in the collaborative learning process, and learning styles as moderating variables, analysis various types of learning style who whether will due to different type of group way turn effects personal knowledge share wishes and the and team between members interactive wishes. We hope that through the various types of learning styles of learners and grouping to achieve complementarity, and then to enhance individual and team learning. The research findings are following: 1.The grouping method for collaborative learning will positively affect knowledge sharing behavior of "Personal Knowledge Sharing" and "Shared Learning Opportunities" but will not affect "Promote Learning Motivation" obvious difference. 2.Whether collaborative learning grouping by friendship team or acquaintance team, knowledge sharing between behaviors and learning performance can not prove its relevance exists. 3.If the collaborative learning grouping method is friendship team, knowledge sharing behaviors in the" Shared Learning Opportunities " and have a positive impact on learning results; " Shared Learning Opportunities" and " Promote Learning Motivation " will affect the learning satisfaction, among which" Shared Learning Opportunities " affects more significant. 4.If the collaborative learning grouping method is acquaintance team, knowledge sharing behavior in the" Promote Learning Motivation" have a positive impact on learning result; " Promote Learning Motivation" and learning satisfaction has a positive effect. 5.Learning styles do not affect the grouping method for collaborative learning and knowledge sharing behavior relationship


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