  • 學位論文


Effects of New Immigrants Status Upon Their Lives?An Analysis of Employment Status of Employment Status of Vietnamese Brides in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡青龍


在台灣東南亞女性外籍配偶以越南人數最多,本研究針對其來台後就業選擇的影響因素,由兩個層面加以探討。首先,從新移民女性來台之後就業所遭遇到的困境,包括對於職業的選擇、限制及所受到的影響;再者,另外,亦探討新移民女性在台灣的就業情況是否和原生國有所關聯。 本研究分析人力資本、家庭條件、社會規範及勞動市場等因素對新移民女性就業的限制,來了解其就業困境。首先就人力資本方面來看,新移民女性的學歷在原生國主要落在中學階段,加上語文能力的障礙,及來台前後較無法在工作中累積人力資本,使其在台灣的就業市場較缺競爭力,長久處於就業弱勢;在家庭條件方面,家庭的經濟狀況及子女的教養問題影響最大,對家中經濟情況良好者而言,工作是閒暇時間的打發,倘若經濟狀況不佳者,工作變得格外重要。為了養育下一代以及維持基本家計,薪資成為迫切的需求。對於「自行創業者」的考量在於資金的來源家務的羈絆;「出外求職者」則須注重到外在所賦予的觀感、薪資的差異。對於這群新移民女性的經濟情況,遷移行動在本研究發現的確有實質上的助益。在台灣就業機會的確比在原生國多很多,但她們所必須多顧慮的層面就是新移民的身分。 本研究發現新移民女性在台就業,不管是自行創業或是出外求職者都必須在心態上先建立一個自我認同的觀念,或許在自行創業或是出外求職都會遇到困難、瓶頸,但自身的「應對能力」及「心理調適」是必要的, 外在的幫助也才可以達到實質的效果。新移民女性在自行創業上可以將家鄉特色轉變為商機,自行創業的同時也是在提供就業的機會通常比較喜歡僱用來自同鄉的人,創造自行供給自行需求的就業機會。政府及非政府組織對於就業資訊的透明、簡單化,如何化繁為簡用最直接的方式幫助她們將是政府必須面臨的首要課題。


Among immigrant spouses from Southeast Asia to Taiwan , Vietnamese women from the biggest group. This research, take Taiwan as the geographical background, unveil the aftermath of this evolution. This study particularly focuses on the job employments and opportunities among these new immigrants. It is analyzed in two aspects;(1) It explores the difficulties, limitations, and restrictions of employment when it comes to finding a job. (2) It scrutinizes the relationships between the native country of these immigrants and Taiwan to connect the similarities and differences. Moreover, it talks about other possible reasons that might also take effect in their selections of jobs such as family values, family duties and commitments... etc. This study has analyzed the restriction placed by the factors of human resource, family condition, social norm, and the labor market on the employment of the immigrants. From the perspective of human resource, the education backgrounds are mostly at high school hence their language ability and un-ability of working after arriving Taiwan in a certain time weaken their competitiveness in the market and put them in a disadvantage situation. As for the family condition, the major influences are the financial status and children raising. Working of female immigrants in families with better financial status can be simply time-killing. While in the families with poor financial status, their working income is crucial for raising the offspring and maintaining the basic family livelihood. Therefore, people who run their own business must consider the source of funds and the trammels of family affairs while the employed ones must give thoughts on the social impression received and the divergence of wage. The study indicates that the immigration indeed has substantial improved for the financial status of new female immigrants. The job vacuum in Taiwan is more than in their home countries. However, their identity of new immigrant needs to be taken into consideration as well. This study discovers that these new female immigrants; whether they own their business or work as employees, all need to build up self-recognition before starting their new lives in this new environment. Knowing one’s own talent and weakness is half way to success and it applies the same to these newly immigrant women. For example, they can transform their hometown features into new business ideas. Moreover, they provide opportunities in demand for self-employment, self-supply and sufficiently fit-in into the society. Most importantly, how the government and private organizations commit themselves to this new change and create easy access to the job information which best benefit these newly immigrants.




