  • 學位論文


Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaires for Patients with Alcoholism

指導教授 : 周桂如


本研究在發展中文版酒精依賴篩檢量表(MAST),並檢定其信效度。本研究為橫斷式的描述性研究設計,採結構式問卷進行調查,以立意取樣的方式於北部區域教學醫院以上住院和門診之酒精濫用/ 依賴個案、物質濫用/依賴個案為對象,共收集酒精濫用/依賴個案110位及物質濫用/ 依賴個案102位。研究工具有:中文版酒精依賴篩檢量表(MAST)、中文版終生精神疾病診斷晤談手冊「Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia-life time (SADS-L) 」。中文版酒精依賴篩檢量表信度檢定採內在一致性KR-21及再測信度,效度檢定包含: 專家內容效度、與建構效度。其中建構效度檢定酒精依賴篩檢量表之驗證性因素分析與探所式因素分析分別檢定之,最後並進一步檢定其量表之敏感性和特異性以及量表的最佳切分點。 結果顯示,中文版酒精依賴篩檢量表內在一致性KR-21,檢測量表內在一致性.83,再測信度顯示.89,中文版酒精依賴量表具有良好的內容效度。在建構效度上之因素分析更進一步確認酒精依賴表MAST包含四個層面: 自我及他人對飲酒問題的認識、法律、工作和社會問題、尋求幫助與夫妻及家庭困難。在量表的敏感性和特異性部份,研究者選擇最佳切分點為6/7分即可確認為酒精依賴患者。本研究發展的中文版酒精依賴量表(MAST)具有良好之信效度並能提供臨床照護人員快速、確實、敏感的確認為酒精依賴個案,以提供適當的照護措施,提升個案及家庭的生活品質。


Abstract Title of Thesis: Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST-C) for Patients with Alcoholism Institution: Graduate Institute of Nursing, Taipei Medical University Author: Yu-Jung Hsueh Thesis directed by: Kuei-Ru Chou RN, Ph.D., Professor, College of Nursing, Taipei Medical University The purpose of this study was to examine and development the psychometric properties of the Chinese Version of Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST-C). This was a cross-sectional descriptive design research and investigated with structured questionnaires. A total of 110 alcoholic patients and 102 patients with substance use disorders as controls were recruited in the study. The diagnostic instrument in the study was Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia-life time (SADS-L). The examination of reliability of the MAST included internal consistency KR-21 and rest-retest reliability. The examination of the validity of the MAST-C included content validity (CVI) and construct validity. The construct was established by using both confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory factor analysis. In addition, sensitivity, specificity, and optimal cut-off points of the MAST-C were further analyzed. The result showed that the MAST-C demonstrated high in the internal consistency (KR-21= 0 .83) and test-retest reliability (r=0.89, p <0.01). The content validity was excellent established by experts (CVI = 0.92). In the construct validity, the exploratory factor analysis was further established and showed the MAST-C had four subscales: 1. Recognition of alcohol problem by self and others; 2. Legal, work and social problem; 3. Help-seeking; 4. Marital–family difficulties. Considering both sensitivity and specificity, the optimal cut-off point was 6/7 (AUC: 0.89; sensitivity: 0.92; specificity: 0.85). The study showed that the MAST-C demonstrated good reliability and validity and it could further provide clinical staff an effective and appropriate way to identify alcohol-related problems in psychiatric patients. With a strong psychometric assessment, clinical nurses could further provide an appropriate nursing care and improve the quality of life in alcoholic patients. Keywords: Alcohol dependence, reliability, validity, Chinese Version MAST (MAST-C)


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American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder(4th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
