  • 學位論文


The discussion on the planning of the learning areas on the affiliated kindergarten of elementary school in Taoyuan county

指導教授 : 曾光宗


上幼稚園,對於幼兒是值得期待的事,也是學習知識的新里程碑;幼兒時期所受的教育,對其一生的發展和學習具有重大的意義。國內幼兒教育政策經歷多年的改革,對於運用國小原有教室進行活動室規劃的國小附幼,在面對新的幼教教育理念的變遷時,附幼活動室和學習區又將如何進行規劃與改善,以達到真正符合學齡前幼兒成長需求,則成為國小附設幼稚園在規劃上重要的課題。 本研究針對空間、時間與使用者進行調查,分析教師所規劃的學習區對幼兒們在使用上的差異;在研究方法則以分析幼兒教育相關理論研究,將幼兒教育中教學理念、教學法及學習環境的改變加以整理探討,經由附幼教師訪談與幼兒行為觀察的方式進行調查,藉以完成下列研究目的與內容: 1. 釐清運用原有國小教室所改建之附幼活動室使用上的現況問題。 2. 分析教師如何規劃活動室及學習區規劃。 3. 探討學習區規劃對幼兒遊戲之影響。 4. 就國小附幼學習區規劃提出改善建議。 研究結果發現,附幼教師仍受限於即有國小教室空間規劃,在學習區的安排,附幼教師於學期開始前的規劃上,仍依其多年教學經驗中幼兒反應較佳的學習區為優先設置,待開學後再配合課程需求增減,而學習區的設置也因活動室即有設施的限制,多為制式與缺乏多樣性的擺設;教師們在課程規劃時,學習區的運用也多以團討區為主要使用範圍,真正學習區的使用則以課餘時間提供幼兒使用,讓幼兒往往失去在學習區所提供自由探索、學習的機會。為提升幼兒學習環境品質,本研究針對國小附幼提出改善建議,在國小附幼方面,國小校方應以國小與附幼整體環境及長期發展思考;在學習區規劃上,以相同性質的學習區結合,重新規劃彈性使用方式,提升學習區之使用效能;在幼兒行為與幼兒遊戲上,了解學齡前幼兒發展之需求,提供幼兒於學習區自我探索與學習的機會。


It is not only highly expected for young children to attend kindergarten, but also a new milestone for them to learn. The early childhood education has a significant meaning on children's life's development and learning. After years of domestic policy reforms in early childhood education, the kindergarten affiliated to elementary school is to use the original planned classrooms as their area in doing main activates, which may face the new changes. In the concept of preschool education, we should first know how to make planning to improve the activity rooms and study areas. Furthermore, we may be able to truly meet the growing demand for pre-school child care. Consequently, kindergarten has become an important issue for elementary school in the planning process. In this study, the space, time and user's survey are conducted and the differences of application and teacher's planning and study area for children are analyzed. In research methods, we make an analysis of early childhood education and its related theoretical researches in early childhood education, teaching philosophy, and pedagogy. In addition, the change of the learning environment is to be arranged and explored. Through interviews of teachers of the kindergarten affiliated to elementary school and infant behavioral observations, we are capable of conducting and completing the following research objectives and content. 1. To clarify the application of the original classroom activity rooms converted from the kindergarten affiliated to elementary school in application, status and problem. 2. To make an analysis of teachers and understand how to plan an activity room and study area. 3. To explore the area planning, and makes an impact on the infant game. 4. To given proposals for improvement in learning area planning of the kindergarten affiliated to elementary school. The finding of this research reveals that teachers of the kindergarten affiliated to elementary school are still limited to a small classroom space planning. In the arrangement of learning zones, the teachers of the elementary school may have priority over learning area in better response according to their many years of teaching experience in the beginning of a semester. And then after school opens, teachers may operate in coordination to increase or decrease the school curriculum. And then, the installation of learning zone is confined due to the limitation of activities rooms and facilities and most institutions and the lack of diversity; when teachers are planning the curriculum, the learning zone is also used as group discussion and the use of learning zone goes to young children after school. As a result, young children are often lost in free exploration and learning opportunities in learning zones. To enhance the quality of early childhood learning environment, this research aims at offering suggestions for improvement in the kindergarten affiliated to elementary school, which should be considered based on the overall environment and long-term development; in learning zone planning, we should combine the similar nature study areas, re-planning of flexible use of means to enhance the effectiveness of the use of study area; in infant behavior and infant games, we should understand the development needs of preschool children, providing child care in the study area in terms of self-exploration and learning opportunities.


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