  • 學位論文

社區分裂/融合-社會資本與社區發展觀點 :南投縣草屯坪頂社區與竹山大安社區現象觀察

A Study on the Community's Separation╱Integration in Taiwan:A View of Social Capital and Community Deveiopment

指導教授 : 林吉郎


社區發展是一項永續工程,而在台灣這項永續工程,往往會遭遇到,因政治、利益、姓氏、信仰等分裂性的困擾。甚至,在分裂後產生無法彌補的傷痕,進而使社區走向貧窮,在在都是相當值得關注的情境。本文例舉中的草屯鎮坪頂社區住民,就是在長期相互冷漠下,存在著聚落分裂,整個社區無法出現「生氣」,住戶也一直在貧窮中生活。而,比照竹山鎮的大安社區從地域分裂到社區融合,坪頂社區應有許多可以學習之處。於是,如何讓坪頂社區,比照大安社區融合模式,透過政府資源及社區網絡、信任、規範與環境,將坪頂社區的分裂化解,進而聚落融合,應是社區發展的一個重要途徑。 坪頂社區長期冷漠、聚落分裂,深信社區住民自己也不願見到,是故要「醫治」這種分裂疾病,除了要找對藥材及服用方法,得有「威力藥引(如政府的主動牽引或資源的有效投入)」,之後再連接「聚落耆老」,拉近距離,進行社區改造,則社區將會從分裂中縫合,而聚落融合將指日可待;那,社區永續發展則不遠矣。


Community development is that one continues the project forever, but this continues the project forever in Taiwan, will often encounter, because such splitting puzzlement as the politics, interests, surname and faith, etc.. Even, the scar that can't remedy will emerge after splitting, and then make the community move towards the poverty, in all situation of merit attention that is about equal. This text give an example Caotun Pindin community live in the people, but in under being for a long time cold and detached each other, gathering and leaving splitting existing, the whole community is unable to appear 「brisk」, the household has been living in the poverty all the time too. And, splitting to the community to merge from the region in the light of the community of Da’an of Jhushan town, the level ground carries the place where the community there should be a lot of all right study. Then how let Caotun Pindin community, merge the way in the light of the community of Da-an, through government resource and community's network, belief, norm and environment, dissolve the division that the Caotun Pindin community, and then gather and leave merging, it should be an important way of community development. The Caotun Pindin community to be for a long time cold and detached is it is it split to fall, deeply convinced community live in the people to be oneself unwilling to see even to gathering, so want 「cure」 this kind of division disease, except should look for to the crude drugs and take the method, must have ' might efficacy-enhancing ingredient (such as the effective input of the government's initiative drawing or resources) ',later it is connection ' gather not falling by founding member ', drawing the close quarter, carry on community's transformation, then the community will sew up from splitting, and it is within sight to gather and leave merging; Then, the community develops continuously forever not far。




