  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Economic Factors of the Export of Raw Sugar for Thailand

指導教授 : 黃俊平


此研究之目的在於探討泰國蔗糖輸出之因素分析, 探討因素包括了原油價格,泰國與相關糖類輸入國間之匯率, 相關糖類輸入國之GDP以及人口等。而日本與印尼為泰國糖類兩大輸入國, 因此本研究便以此兩國作為探討對象。探討期間含括了由西元2002至2011等九年時間。 研究結果顯示印尼與日本兩國的人口成為泰國糖類輸出的負面因素,日本的GDP對輸入泰國糖類沒有顯著性,但印尼的GDP對輸入泰國糖類確具有顯著性,而外匯與原油價格對日本輸入泰國糖類有顯著影響,但對印尼卻無顯著性。


經濟因素 糖類 出口 匯率 人口 GDP 原油價格


The objective of this research is to study the Economic Factors of the Export of Raw Sugar of Thailand. The factors studied in this research include crude oil price, foreign exchange rate of currency between the Thailand and the corresponding import country, population and GDP of the import country. Two major sugar import countries; Japan and Indonesia, are included in this research. The interval covered in this research is a 10-year period from 2002 to 2011. The result showed that the population is a negative factor to the export of Thailand sugar to both Japan and Indonesia. The GDP in Japan is not correlated with the import of sugar but the GDP in Indonesia is related with the volume of the import of raw sugar from Thailand. The exchange rate and crude oil price are related to the volume of the exports raw sugar from Thailand and Japan but not for Indonesia.


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