  • 學位論文


Applying Kano’s Model and IPA to Explore the Service Quality of Taiwan Railways

指導教授 : 黃俊平


我國從1988年政府開始實施周休二日的制度以後,使得民眾休假時間增加,使休閒與旅遊的風氣日漸普及,除了休閒旅遊的增長,也促使台灣島內交通運輸量成長。國營事業堪稱台灣最古老、歷史最悠久的服務業,而台灣鐵路便是具有代表性的國營事業之一,國營事業存在的意義便是服務人民,以提供人民有更好的生活品質。為此台灣鐵路需得知人民對於哪些服務品質具有相當程度的需求,進而改善及加強其服務品質。 本研究採用Kano二維品質及IPA(Import Performance Analysis, IPA)分析法,探討台灣鐵路的服務品質以及乘客對於台灣鐵路提供之服務品質的重要程度及滿意程度,進而得知顧客對於台灣鐵路服務品質的看法與需求。最後以IPA分析、Kano二維品質分類、Refined Kano二維品質分類、顧客滿意係數、變異數分析等方法,對台灣鐵路服務品質進行分析,並得出結論,以提供台灣鐵路相關業者進行參考。


Since the 2-day-off per week policy started from 1988, traveling during weekend or holiday has been increased significantly. That promotes the public transportation volume in Taiwan. Taiwan Railway is a state-owned corporation, and represents the oldest service industry in Taiwan. The objective of state-owned enterprise is to offer better life quality to the population. To reach this objective, the administration of Taiwan Railway needs to investigate the demands from their customers to improve the service quality. Two-dimensional Kano quality and Import Performance Analysis is used in this study. The objective of this study is to explore the service quality of Taiwan Railway, the importance and satisfaction of passengers, and the demands of customers. Finally, the analysis of Taiwan Railway service quality is examined by IPA analysis, Two-dimensional Kano quality classification, redefined Two-dimensional Kano quality classification, customer satisfaction coefficient, and analysis of variance. The conclusion of this research will offer helpful information to Taiwan Railway and related industry to improve their service quality.


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