  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 洪德俊


近年來,台灣經歷了全球金融危機,使得金融業體質與經營環境也明顯的惡化,導致許多金融證券公司因無法承受衝擊而走向結束營業或與他家合併的局面。由於台灣的金融服務業目前已趨成熟、穩定之階段,使得許多的業者不斷地在摸索未來的產業走向。隨著二次金改,政府開放更多的金融業與證券商經營業務,雖然將會使國內證券業者面臨更多的競爭壓力,但是未來,同業可寄望於海峽彼岸之資本市場,也將使金融證券業燃起一片希望。 本研究主要探討以下幾個面向,以期對海峽兩岸之未來經濟有所助益: (1)了解台灣與海峽彼岸之證券市場從過去至現在之發展歷程,雙方在各自發展上之經驗特質與值得效法或是借鏡之處。 (2)無論政經局勢如何的轉變,證券業者皆可以從自己本身的經營之道找到成功之道。 (3)證券業者在結合其它金融商品或資本市場,能夠找出一個較不會失敗、或是前人失敗經驗中已經記取的教訓,來引導業內夥伴在此道路上有所啟發。


In recently years, Taiwan has experienced the global financial crisis, which results in financial service industries and business environment is also obvious physical deterioration, resulting in a number of financial and securities industries, the impact can not afford to go out of business or merged with his family situation. As Taiwan financial services industry has become mature and stable phase now, leading many of the industry continue to explore the future of the industry in the direction. With the second financial revolution, financial sector the government to open more business with securities firms, and then cross-strait economic cooperation, the signing of the agreement, although the domestic securities industry will make the face more competitive pressure, but in the future, with the industry can expect in the capital markets on the mainland, but also the financial and securities industry will ignite a hope. This research will focus on several aspects to expect that will helpfully on mainland economic. First, understand the stock market of development in Taiwan and on the mainland from past to the present course, that both sides have their own characteristic and the experience of the development, which are worth of following the example or model building. Second, no matter how the political and economic situation changes, the securities industry can find the successful methods from the way of the management by themselves. Last, the securities industry integrated with other financial products or capital markets, which can find lessons that previous experience of failure to guide securities industry partners in this way of inspiration.


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