  • 學位論文


Corporate University implement Feasibility Analysis in Non-metropolitan areas

指導教授 : 吳啟新


企業在面臨國內外強烈的競爭猛烈攻勢下,能體悟到企業教育訓練的重要性,而唯有不斷學習與改進才是最根本之道,對於歐美逐漸興盛的企業教育訓練新模式以企業大學為目前主流,然而企業大學制度之盛行皆為歐美大型企業,由訪談結果得知在進行企業大學課程規劃上,須以企業未來發展為主要方向,讓企業大學引領企業走在前端,才得以使企業大學永續發展延續。 採行企業大學策略,依照企業未來目標引導企業實現,帶領企業更有前瞻性,以客戶端在意的企業永續發展與中高階部門主管支持,來實現企業大學施行可行性,除了達成客戶對產品品質要求為主要基本訴求外,更因企業擁有完整的教育訓練制度,而企業大學的設立則是能符合此制度化進而帶來客戶的信任,相信企業永續經營為導向,宣揚企業文化並推動企業核心價值,是企業永續經營的目的,而企業大學則是驅動這一切的主要因素。由於各企業大學皆具有獨特性,若想以成立企業大學增加企業知名度,在施行企業大學之前,必需做足執行前的規劃與推廣,以吸引人才回流,向外推廣除了能先讓企業透明化進而提升企業曝光率,瞭解企業為了人才培訓做籌備、規劃,並透過課程讓大家先了解這樣的企業有何與其他企業與眾不同之處,讓原本隔層紗的人群能更進一步的看瞭解企業的獨特性、產品差異,甚至企業特殊的制度福利有別於他人。 每家企業大學在執行上從一開始執行前的評估,到執行中期因應企業營運目標調整而跟著變動,只有不斷思考、不斷創新,才能不斷進步。也唯有透過瞭解企業未來經營方針及各方需求與期望,包含客戶的需求、企業各單位需求及員工職涯需求,所成立的企業大學才足以能帶領企業成為走向前端的業界領航者角色。 最後,本研究依據研究結果,提出相關建議供企業與未來研究建議之參考。


Under the conditions of market economy with increasingly fierce competition, understanding training is important, in the long run , continuous learning and improvement is the key to the enterprise, for European and America enterprise that the enterprise university is the mainstream of training , but the enterprise university program are all large companies in Europe and America, from the interviews that the enterprise university curriculum planning, shall be the main direction for the future development of enterprises, Enterprise university leading the enterprises and sustainable development . Implement the Corporate University which in accordance with the company's future goals and guide the company to achieve can lead the company become more proactive. To carry out the feasibility of Corporate University implement with corporation sustainable development which the customer care and the support from middle and senior management is not only to reach the customer basic demands of product quality but also the integrity of corporation training system. To Implement the Corporate University is kind of system that can brings customer trust which they believe the corporation is sustainable operation oriented and the purpose of corporation operation is to advocate the company culture and promote the company core values. The Corporate University is the most importation factor above what mentioned. Due to each Corporate University is quite unique, if the corporation want to set up that kind of system to enhance the reputation, it is necessary to well prepare for the plan and promotion before the execute the system in order to attract the return of talents. Promotion the system can assist corporation to become more transparency and then to increase the corporation exposure rate. Realize the corporation’s preparation and plan is for the talent training and help people to know what the difference with other corporation includes the company unique feature, product and even the special system and befit through the course. Assessment before operating enterprise university and adjustment during in the process by the operational objective adjust by thinking, creative and making consistent progress. Only by understanding enterprise business policy, require and expectation of customers, departments of enterprise and employees can be a pioneer of enterprises. Key words: Enterprise University、Education、Employees training.


