  • 學位論文


Returning to the community-Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Dancing between Welcome and Rejection

指導教授 : 陳南潔


本研究以「人」為主體,並聚焦於成年智能障礙者與非障礙者在社區共同生活所經歷的時空、事件、態度之轉變,以呈現其過去、當下、未來如何透過互為主體性所建構之社區共同生活經驗。 透過立意取樣選取8位社區居住的成年智能障礙者,以及10位社區居民進行半結構式的深度訪談,以及參與觀察,來了解社區居民個別經驗。並採用現象學與詮釋現象學之研究方法,研究者進入成年智能障礙者與非障礙者的生活中,得到以下的研究結果。 研究結果發現,社區居民起初對成年智能障礙者感到陌生甚至有害怕的感覺產生,但是,透過互動能夠消弭異陌,並進一步接受成年智能障礙者在社區中居住,且將智能障礙者視為社區的一份子。而成年智能障礙者起初對於社區居民亦是感到陌生與害怕的,倘若在互動與認識後,這樣的陌生感會逐漸為熟悉所取代。雙方在相處過程中受到居住型態影響互動機會,且易受到偶發事件的影響,進而改變與對方互動的意願。 根據研究發現,本研究於社會工作者在社區居住的角色有以下建議,第一個:消弭居住於集合式大樓所造成的互動障礙,建議工作者將據點設置在非集合式的大樓,以增加成年智能障礙者與社區居民互動的機會;第二個:工作者應研擬建構關係之平台,此與第一點目的相同,皆 為了增加雙方互動機會;第三個:協助成年智能障礙者學習敦親睦鄰,建立生活輔導員之退場機制;最後,工作者應設法回應對成年智能障礙者對於未來生活之想望,而非由機構決定一切。


With “human” as subject, this research focuses on changes in space, time, events and attitude experienced by normal adults and adults with intellectual disabilities who live in a community together, so as to present their past, present and future common community life experience constructed through inter-subjectivity. Purposive sampling is used to select 8 adults with intellectual disabilities and 10 normal residents living in the community; semi-structured in-depth interview and participant observation are adopted for knowing community members’ individual experience. Research methods include phenomenology and hermeneutic phenomenology. Researchers obtain following results through participating in the life of normal adults and adults with intellectual disabilities. Research findings show that community residents are unfamiliar with or even afraid of adults with intellectual disabilities at first. However, through interactions that can clear this feeling, they begin to accept these disabled people’s existence and consider them as a member of the community. Adults with intellectual disabilities also feel unfamiliar with and afraid of community residents at first, but they gradually feel familiar with residents after interactions and acquaintance. During the process of getting along with each other, both parties are influenced by contingent events and their chance of interaction is affected by housing pattern; consequently, their willingness to interaction changes. According to above mentioned findings, this research proposes following suggestions about social worker’s role in community living. Firstly, for eliminating interaction barriers caused by living in complex buildings, social workers are recommended to set their foothold in non-complex building so as to increase chances of interactions between community residents and adults with intellectual disabilities. Secondly, social workers should formulate a platform of establishing relationships, for the purpose of increasing interaction chances. Thirdly, these disabled adults should get assistance in learning to be friendly to family members and neighbors; exit mechanism of life counselor should be established. Finally, social workers shall try to cope with intellectually disabled adults’ desire for future life rather than completely depend on institutions.


Mathias Obert(2005)。生活世界、肉身與藝術─梅洛龐蒂(Maurice Merleau-Ponty)、華登菲(Bernhard Waldenfels)與當代現象學。臺大文史哲學報,63,225-250。
