  • 學位論文

以科技接受模式探討上班族對於QR Code之使用行為

Applying the technology Acceptance Model to the Office workers Usage Behavior of the QR Code

指導教授 : 賴明弘


在現代社會裡,條碼的應用隨處可見,但隨著資訊的高度發展,傳統條碼已不敷使用,也因此,造就了QR code的產生。QR code可儲存的資料量比傳統條碼多上許多,增加了許多實用性,所以相關的應用也不斷的推出。 本研究以Davis的科技接受模型作為基礎,納入了Rogers所提出的創新的特性(相容性、可試用性、可觀察性)、主觀規範、網路外部性和電腦自我效能等八個變數,發展出QR code的科技接受模型。而研究結果顯示如下: 1.本研究在加入相容性、可試用性、可觀察性、主觀規範、網路外部性和電腦自我效能之後,模型的解釋力較原始的科技接模型來的高。 2.知覺有用性對於上班族使用QR code之行為意圖影響最大,當知覺有用性越高時,上班族對於QR code之使用行為意圖也就越顯著,此結果符合科技接受模式的結果。 3.知覺易用性對於上班族使用QR code之使用行為意圖以及知覺有用性皆有顯著的影響效果,也就是說,知覺易用性除了直接影響上班族的使用行為意圖,也會透過知覺有用性去間接影響。 4.主觀規範對於知覺有用性不具有明顯的影響效果。顯示說上班族不會因為他人而覺得QR code有用。 5.創新特質中的可觀察性、可試用性,對於知覺有用性以及知覺意用性有明顯的影響效果,但相容性卻沒有。表示說,QR code的功用越能被上班族給發現,或是越能夠給上班族試用,那上班族使用QR code的意願就會越高。 6.網路外部性對於知覺有用性以及知覺易用性都有明顯的影響效果。表示說當越多的上班族使用QR code時,越能感受其所帶來的幫助。 7.電腦自我效能雖然對知覺易用性不具有明顯的影響。顯示說,上班族沒有信心去認為QR code容易使用。


The usage of barcode is prevailing in the modern society. However, with the rapid development of information technology, traditional barcodes seem to be unable to meet the new demands, which is the reason that catalyzes the invention of QR code. QR code can store more information than traditional barcodes, which advantage increases its practicability. Likewise, related systems have been constantly improving. This research is firstly based on Davis's Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and then integrates eight variables, from the innovative properties (compatibility, trialability and observability), subjective norm, externality to self-efficacy that were stated by Roger. The following is the results of this study. After adding the eight variables, including compatibility, trialability, observability, subjective norm, externality and computer self-efficacy to the research, the explanation capability of this model is higher than the original TAM. Perceived usefulness has the biggest influence on the intention for office workers to use QR code. The higher the perceived usefulness is, the more obvious the intention of office workers to use QR code. This result matches the TAM. Perceived ease of use also has significant influence on the intention of office workers to use QR code, as well as on the perceived usefulness. Under that circumstance, not only perceived ease of use can directly effects the intention of the office workers to use QR code, perceived usefulness can indirectly achieve the effect. Subjective norm has no significant influence on perceived usefulness, which indicates that the office workers would not be affected by others who believe the QR code is useful. Observability and trialability in the innovative properties have salient influence on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, but lack of compatibility between them. In other words, if QR code can be found or provided as trials to office workers, then the willingness of office workers to use QR code will be higher. Externality causes significant influence on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, which means the more office workers use QR code, the stronger supports they can obtain as a whole. Computer self-efficacy has no significant influence on perceived ease of use, which indicates that office workers have no strong confidence in the ease of use of QR code.


QR code TAM innovative properties office workers


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