  • 學位論文


Node.js Based Smart Home

指導教授 : 柯松源


隨著網頁技術的標準化,網頁將不再需要外掛程式來完成所需的功能, HTML5(HyperText Markup Language version 5)的規格已經於2014年10月29日確定了最初版本[1],這使得開發網頁應用上有很大的突破,我們只需要開啟支援相關規格的瀏覽器,就可以使用各種的服務,故可以開發出跨瀏覽器及跨平台的應用,顯著提升了使用的便利性。   居家安全是大家所關心的問題,隨著串流技術的進步與網路頻寬的增加,現在利用網頁很方便就可以達成觀賞影音串流的目的,這可應用於視訊的安全監控,而智慧家電相關的應用也成為一種趨勢。本研究結合了HTML5相關的技術,實作出以網頁瀏覽器為客戶端,Node.js為伺服端,以網路為媒介,使用網頁觀看串流視訊的安全監控系統以及利用藍芽來操作家中電器開關的智慧家庭。


With the standardization of web technology, the browser will no longer needs plugins in the future. The HTML5 has been released on October 2014[1]. This has great impact on web applications. As long as the browser is complied with the standard, we can develop applications that are cross-browser and cross-platform. This will facilitate the development of web applications. With the advance of streaming technology and the increasing of network bandwidth, the streaming of video and audio can conveniently be achieved. Smart home is also a trend of the modern life. In this thesis, we built a smart home that consists of a video surveillance system and a Bluetooth controlled power switch. It uses browser as the client side and Node.js as the server side.


[7] S. Tilkov and S. Vinoski, “Node.js: Using JavaScript to Build High-Performance Network Programs,” IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 80 –83, Nov–Dec 2010
[1] Ian Hickson, Robin Berjon, Steve Faulkner, Travis Leithead, Erika Doyle Navara, Edward O'Connor and Silvia Pfeiffer. (2014, October 28). HTML5 (Recommendation) [Online]. Available: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5
[2] Alexis Deveria (2015). Fyrd/caniuse [Online]. Available: https://github.com/Fyrd/caniuse
[3] Chu Hung Lin (2015, Jan 23). mouse170/find-foxmosa [Online]. Available: https://github.com/mouse170/find-foxmosa
[4] Ian Hickson (2012, September 2012). The Websocket API (Candidate Recommendation) [Online]. Available: http://www.w3.org/TR/websockets



