  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Local Development Effects Induced by Cultural Tourism:A Case Study of Community of Che-Cheng on Jiji Rail Line

指導教授 : 張長義


文化觀光的型態有很多,本研究以台灣鐵道支線為對象,探討支線文化觀光的推動對地方發展的影響。隨著公路網的四通八達與產業結構的改變,全台的鐵道除了縱貫線仍維持著運輸的功能之外,許多早期和產業發展有關的支線紛紛面臨拆除的命運;不過也有些支線不但被保留了下來,並且由傳統的運輸功能轉型為觀光發展。其中台鐵三大支線-內灣線、平溪線、集集線,沿線仍留存了許多和早期地方產業有關的地景,再加上具歷史感的環境氛圍,使得支線的觀光化成為具懷舊情懷之知性之旅。 推動文化觀光以尋求地方再發展的新契機,是這幾年台灣許多鄉鎮所依循的發展模式。相較於主要幹線,性質屬於地方鐵道的支線,其觀光化的轉型,對於沿線的鄉鎮或村落而言,帶來了觀光人潮,且增加地方經濟收益。支線最主要的觀光資源以過往的產業文化還有保留下來的閒置產業空間為主,這些閒置空間在觀光化下重新再利用。因此,本研究以社區利用產業資源為地方發展的主體,並推動文化觀光發展的概念,初步探討觀光化下所產生的商品化現象,並分析對地方發展的影響。本研究目的大致如下: 一、探討觀光商品化對地方之影響 二、分析文化觀光如何促進地方發展之歷程 三、地方文化觀光未來發展之建議 位於南投縣集集支線終點站的車埕社區,由於1950年之後台灣工業化與產業結構的改變,傳統產業沒落,造成大量人口外流,於是近幾年希望推動文化觀光來落實地方發展的目標。1990年代中期以社區發展協會主體,積極地推動觀光發展,並且於2000年納入日月潭國家風景區管理處的範圍,在公部門的規劃下,地方整體風貌逐漸改變,觀光前景指日可待。本研究從社區總體營造與地方發展的角度來探討位於鐵道支線的社區推動文化觀光的現象,希望透過車埕社區的發展現象來探討支線觀光除了是一種新興旅遊型態外,對地方發展所帶來的影響;同時觀察因應觀光發展所造成的商品化現象,並就這些現象提供一些建議以供後續發展的參考。本研究以實地考察與第一手訪談資料,配合二手資料的收集與分析,並輔以問卷調查結果探討文化觀光對地方發展所帶來的影響。 研究結果顯示,車埕開始推動文化觀光後為地方發展帶來了新契機。首先,透過文化觀光讓地方居民重新尋找與認識地方文化,有了這一層認知,除了可以保存地方文化並且亦能賦予地方產業文化創意的加值;其次,以統計數據來看,遊客人數逐年增加,為地方帶來的經濟效益包括有:導覽解說的收益讓地方除了申請計劃經費外,能有自主的資金來源;而以地方產業為主而設計的各項文化商品,由於多了文化創意的加值與具有地方特色,增加了遊客的購買率;並且有部份居民開始回到地方就業。 最後,本研究對鐵道文化觀光之發展建議如下:1.地方鐵道的觀光發展需要居民充分的參與;2.鐵道觀光化的過程應不斷去思考文化商品化會帶來的影響;3.鐵道文化觀光地的規劃,必須從地方性的意義來思考,將鐵道與地方文化做串連才是最佳之道;4.地方發展觀光化所產生的商品化現象,應可做為文化創意的一種展現;5.產業空間的歷史性可做為觀光行銷的訴求。


There are numerous types of cultural tourism. This research is focused on the spur tracks around Taiwan, and their influence on cultural tourism and local development. Though the main lines around Taiwan still play an important role in round-island transportation, as the transportation network develops and the industrial structure changes, a lot of spur tracks are now being torn down, many of which used to be vitally related to various industries in the old days. However, some of the spur tracks are preserved, and their function is transformed from transportation to tourism development. Among them, three main spur tracks –the Nei-Wan Line, the Pin-Shi Line and the Ji-Ji Line, still remain much of the landscape they used to have. Because of the historical atmosphere that results from the old local industries, tourism along these spur tracks is both cultural and retrospective. Many townships in Taiwan are launching the so-called cultural tourism in an attempt to revive local economic development. Compared with the main lines, spur railroad tracks are important in the development of local townships, because they bring in the tourists and vitalize the economy. Spur tracks are important tourism resources, because along the tracks tourists are able to experience the traditional industrial cultures. This research is focused on how local communities make use of the industrial cultures to develop their own unique local tourism. It is also focused on the cultural and special commodification that results from cultural tourism, and on the influence such commodification has on local development. The objectives of this research are as follows: 1. Investigating the phenomenon of the tourism commodification of place; 2. Analyzing how railroad tourism stimulate local development; and 3. Commenting on the future development of local cultural tourism. The Che-Cheng community, located at the end of the Ji-Ji Line, faced a great population outflow as a result of industrialization and change in the industrial structure after the 1950s. Therefore, there have been the efforts devoted to cultural tourism in an attempt to revive local development. The Community Development Association has been promoting local tourism since the mid 1990s, and in 2000 it joined the Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area Administrative Office. Since then, local tourism has been developing in a rapid pace, and brought about great change to local areas. This research probes into cultural tourism of the communities adjacent to spur tracks from the perspective: development of the communities as a whole development of and local areas. This research takes a deeper look at the influence of such tourism on local development. At the same time, it observes the commodification that results from tourism. Based on it findings, this research concludes with suggestion on future development. This research collects groundwork information from field studies and first-hand interviews. It considers the impact cultural tourism has on local development both based on first hand information and second hand information. The research findings show that Che-Cheng has initiated new opportunities since it began to promote cultural tourism in 1990s. Through cultural tourism, local residents could rediscover their own traditional culture, then preserve it, and re-position it with creativity. It shows that the number of tourists has been increasing, so the tourism brings about economic benefits, including government subsidies which can be put to great use, various kinds of commodities which are abundant in local culture and very welcomed among tourists. Besides, local employment rate is also boosted because more jobs are now available. Lastly, this research concludes with the following suggestion on railroad cultural tourism: 1. railroad cultural tourism needs full participation of local residents; 2. we need to constantly reflect on the influence of cultural commodification which results from railroad tourism; 3. railroad cultural tourism must be developed from the local perspective, and the best solution is to connect railroad tourism with local culture; 4. cultural commodification that results from local tourism can be viewed as realization of cultural creativity; 5. tourism marketing strategy should resort to local industrial history in order to appeal to the tourists.


廖健峻(2005) 鐵道觀光化對台鐵平溪線營運影響之研究,國立台灣大學土木工程學研究所碩士論文。


周期進(2010)。以產業文化地景探討環境永續發展之意義 —以鐵路平溪線為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000771
