  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Strategy and Design of Storytelling in Agriculture

指導教授 : 岳修平


隨著科技演進、消費觀念轉變及農產業結構的劇烈變化,農業行銷手法與以往大不相同,在實體的交易環境中,農民直接與消費者面對面溝通,網路的興起帶來諸多益處,致使越來越多業者於虛擬環境中販售農產品,然而必須加強農產品相關的描述,才能拉近與消費者之間的距離,故事行銷遂成為業界慣用的行銷方式之一。因此本研究旨在探討農業故事行銷策略定位,及農業故事的敘事元素,了解故事在農業行銷上的幫助為何,以及如何撰寫一則好故事,以作為往後農業從業者之參考。 本研究採用混合研究法之平行混合設計,同時進行對農業電子商務業者的訪談、農業故事文本之內容分析以及問卷調查,對研究問題的相關面向進行資料蒐集,並整合所有分析結果以進行推論。研究結果發現農業電子商務故事行銷策略以品牌價值主張為主軸,故事能幫助吸引目光,透過故事有利於與消費者溝通。在故事內容上,農業故事不打悲情牌,並以價值主張為訊息訴求,農業故事角色會強化塑造農民的英雄形象;並且在故事中不強調衝突點;農業故事事件著重「理念」的描述:農業故事情節鋪陳上則以英雄情節作為農業故事情節之設定。


Revolution in technology industry, changes in consumption concept and transformation in the structure of the agricultural industry have affected the way people manage marketing strategy in agricultural fields. Farmers and customers interact in face-to-face communication way in an offline trading environment. The emergence of the Internet offers many benefits and provides businesses to sell products in virtual environments. However, online business should strengthen the description of the product to provide customers get more information and shorten the distance between consumers and producers. As a result, storytelling has become a major trend in marketing in recent years. The purpose of the current study is to explore the agricultural marketing strategies and elements of the agricultural stories. The results of this study are expected to provide enterprises and farmers with effective guidelines for making good stories and to evaluate the effectiveness of storytelling in marketing in practice. The study adopted mixed methodology in parallel mixed design. The researcher interviewed 3 entrepreneurs of agriculture e-commerce, analyzing 17 agricultural stories and collecting 186 questionnaires. Results show that the strategy for storytelling in agricultural marketing of agriculture e-commerce would focus on its brand value proposition. Stories attract the attention of consumers and storytelling is an effective mode of communication between farmers and consumers. Agricultural stories would not deliver sadness appeals; instead, they emphasize on the value proposition as the message appeal. The agricultural story would strengthen the heroic image of the farmer actor and put less emphasis on conflict. The descriptions of events in agricultural stories would focus on the “View”(business, management, and brand). “Agricultural hero” this kind of character usually shows up in the stories to make people get the concept much easier.


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阮明淑(2019)。Exploratory Research on TV Program Video Data Narrative Analysis圖書資訊學刊17(2),1-34。https://doi.org/10.6182/jlis.201912_17(2).001
