  • 學位論文

提案型環境營造社區培力之探討 —以台中市自力環境營造計畫之三社區為例—

Study on Community Empowerment with A Process of Community Building –A Case-study on 3 communities in Taichung

指導教授 : 陳亮全


台灣社區工作自1994年開始一反過去由上而下或操縱參與的模式。透過社區營造的過程培養居民參與公共事務的公民文化,鼓勵地方社區能自主提出改進社區的方案,期能跳脫早期居住環境改善與居民意識脫軌的狀況。近年來,地方政府也透過一連串支援政策、推動社區規劃師等專家輔助,給予由政府所掌握的空間控制權利,加以補助金援助下,地方社區提案風氣漸興活絡。藉由較完整的支援系統與培力過程,扶植地方社區能對自身所處環境的事務有自力解決、改善的能力。此過程即為培力(empowerment),但對於其實行的成果是否真的達成社區培力卻仍未界定。因此選定參與台中市自力環境營造計畫之東門、福順、三光等三社區作為實證研究對象,研究「培力」實際在社區運作的情況與影響其的因素,回饋到支援政策與作法本身提出建議。 首先,透過文獻歸納出培力的定義與十四個培力指標,針對對象社區居民進行自我培力程度評估,另一方面觀察社區現況對於環境營造培力的延續情況,判斷對象社區中三光與福順社區之培力程度較高,東門社區則較低。 綜合政策的培力機制與社區實際執行的過程與結果,提出三社區不同之培力模式。其培力模式的「階層性」、「力的傳遞程度」、「能夠參與的程度」與「培力的方向性」會影響培力程度。


Since 1994, the community building in Taiwan has been fostering the civil culture for residents to participate public affairs, encouraging local communities to propose spontaneously, and avoid the derailment between the environment and residents’ consciousness through the community building process, rather than the traditional top-down or manipulation model. Through a series of supporting policies and subsidies and the help of community planners, local authorities have also devolved the space controlling power and aided with subsidies recently years. The local communities have proposed more and more actively. Communities are expected to be able to solve or improve the problems within their own environment by themselves through a more complete supporting system and empowerment process. This could be viewed as an empowerment process. However, the achievements of community empowerment still had not been measured. Therefore, this research chooses 3 communities participated in Taichung City Spontaneously Environment Building Project, Dongmen, Fushun, and Sanguang, as the research object, to explore the condition and the influencing factors of “empowerment” during community operation.This research summarizes the definition of empowerment and 14 empowerment indicators. While allowing the community residents to assess to which degrees their self-empowerment are, this research also observes how the current condition affects the continuation of environment building empowerment. This research finds that Sanguang and Fushun are higher-empowered, while Dongmen is lower-empowered.Besides, after considering the empowerment mechanism of policies and operating process and results, this research presents the different empowerment models in the 3 communities, and finds several factors that would affect the empowerment degree, including “hierarchy”, “power transferring”, “participating degree”, and “the direction of empowerment.”


1.David M. Fetterman, Abraham Wandersman(2005). Empowerment evaluation principles in practice. New York: Guilford Press.
3.Glenn Laverack, Nina Wallerstein(2001). Measuring community empowerment: a fresh look at organizational domains. HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL, Vol.16, No.2, 179-184.


