  • 學位論文


Optimal Area and Toll for Congestion Pricing

指導教授 : 張學孔




Congestion pricing is a transportation demand management approach to alleviate congestion problem and have overall transportation system more efficient. Singapore, London, Stockholm, and Oslo have already executed for many years while theoretical analyses of Congestion pricing has been more than few decades. Most prior studies focus on optimal charging fare at fixed charging location. Recently, some studies have demonstrated that the performance of charging scheme critically depends on charging location and area. This study develops static mathematical analysis model to analyze the relationship between charging area and system performance. Objectives of maximum social welfare and minimum user cost are used to solve the optimal toll and optimal charging area respectively. The mathematical models developed are applied to Taipei Metropolis as a numerical example. It is found that the optimal toll and social welfare are disproportional to the charging area. It is also shown that the optimal charging area should be wider when reducing toll among a reasonable range. In addition, user cost function will be the convex function only if the charging toll exceeds a threshold value that minimum user cost charging area will exist. On the other hand, operating cost of implementing congestion pricing system has significant influence on system performance as well as social welfare. Therefore, operator may have deficit when charging area is too wide or too narrow. If we consider operating cost as a government resource for improving traffic congestion, the result indicates that congestion pricing is useful to improve the efficiency of transportation system. The models developed and results of numerical analyses obtained in this study can be used for planning and design of congestion pricing alternatives.


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