  • 學位論文


Gender and Wealth Inequality of Return on Lands in Taiwan

指導教授 : 朱敬一
共同指導教授 : 林明仁




We use Taiwan’s administration tax records over 2005~2014 to analyze the previously discovered gender and wealth inequality of return on lands. For gender inequality, we compare lands acquired by different sources, and find that lands from purchase and land from inherited lands without will demonstrate significant gender difference, the latter show the greatest gender gap. For wealth inequality, we analyze the duration of holding lands using survival analysis. We find that liquidity constraints and expected return play significant roles in land selling decision, and it seems that the rich is more sensitive to expected return than the others. In addition, the variance of individual heterogeneity shows a clear decreasing trend with wealth. We suppose the rich have more information sources and so predict return better. Such advantage passes on to the next generation.


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