  • 學位論文


Action Research in Digital Archives Website to Establish a Non-Profit Organization: with TaiwanBaseBallWiki Website as Example

指導教授 : 林信成


由於國科會推動之「數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫」即將進入尾聲,身為該計畫典藏單位之一且付出心血建置的數位典藏網站─「台灣棒球維基館」,為避免在不久的將來失去主要的經費補助來源後會造成無法繼續維運,故本研究主要目的為透過行動研究來嚴謹且有系統地為「台灣棒球維基館」申請成立一個非營利組織,一方面從中學習非營利組織之專業知識,另一方面以求繼續將「台灣棒球維基館」營運下去。本研究結論如下: 一、 非營利組織運作中組織之精神面、組織之策略面、組織之架構面與組織之資源面環環相扣,缺一不可 二、 申請成立非營利組織需注意五項要點與至少經十個步驟 三、 依我國法律體制,「台灣棒球維基館」較適合成立「社團法人」 四、 「台灣棒球維基館」於申請成立非營利組織時遇到三個狀況,且未來成立時,可能遭遇三方面問題 而本研究提出之建議有四點: 一、 藉由訂定清楚明確之使命目標以建立成員之共同感並透過集體合作執行任務以達組織承諾與社群期待 二、 積極參與外界舉辦之相關活動或自行舉辦活動以尋得曝光之機會 三、 「台灣棒球維基館」未來依組織規模建立所需之成員 四、 藉由與各界合作以進一步取得各種資源


As the National Science Council to promote the "Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program, TELDAP" will be coming to an end, as one of the units and the plan to pay collection efforts to build digital collections website ─ "TaiwanBaseBallWiki" To avoid loss in the near future the main source of financial assistance will result in maintenance and operation can not continue, the main purpose of this study through action research to rigorous and systematic "TaiwanBaseBallWiki" application for the establishment of a non-profit organization, on the one hand to learn from the expertise of non-profit organization, the other in order to continue to "TaiwanBaseBallWiki" operations continue. The findings are as follows: 1、 A non-profit organization operating in the spirit of the organization side, the organization's strategic side, the organization's structure and organization of the resources side surface of interlocking, indispensable. 2、 The application should pay attention to non-profit organization set up with at least five points through ten steps. 3、 According to our country legal framework, "TaiwanBaseBallWiki" more suited to set up a "Social Associations". 4、 The "TaiwanBaseBallWiki" in the application for non-profit organization set up three conditions encountered, and the establishment of the future, may encounter problems in three areas. Some suggestions proposed in this study include: 1、 By setting clear objectives of the mission members to establish a common sense and cooperation through collective tasks to achieve organizational commitment and community expectations. 2、 Actively participate in organized activities outside or self-organized activities to look for an opportunity to get exposure. 3、 The "TaiwanBaseBallWiki" future establishment of the required size by a member of the organization. 4、 Fourth, through partnership with different sectors to further access to various resources.


Bill Atweh, Stephen Kemmis, and Patricia Weeks, Action Research in Practice: Partnerships for Social Justice in Education (London : Routledge, 1998).


