  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Free Form Chairs and Emotion Design

指導教授 : 邊守仁


自由形體座椅為日益普及的家具形式,影響消費者選擇家具時的考量點已從基本功能、美觀等因素,提升至滿足情感層面的需求。 本研究採質性研究方法,建立自由形體座椅與情感設計的關聯性。研究目的為:(1)了解自由形體座椅所引發的情感意象。(2)分析引發不同情感意象的自由形體座椅形態特徵因子,作為設計此類座椅參考的依據。 本研究分為前測分類實驗及各類情感意象自由形體座椅形態特徵因子分析兩階段。第一階段前測分類實驗,請焦點團體專家將實驗樣本依直覺判斷分類,再根據分類結果組織焦點團體討論會議,歸納出自由形體座椅與情感意象傳達的關係。第二階段以萃取出的正向情感意象形容詞語彙作為分類類別,經問卷調查篩選出各類別代表性樣本,採結構式DFA法分析各情感意象類別座椅樣本的形態特徵因子,建立形態特徵因子與情感意象間的對應關係。 研究結果得知選擇自由形體座椅的考量點主要是在情感設計的本能與反思層次,往往忽略行為層次的因素。並獲得十六類情感意象自由形體座椅之形態特徵因子,作為日後設計此類產品的參考依據。


The free form chairs is one of the popularized furniture. The reason why consumers choose the furniture go beyond the consideration to function and esthetics. They consider whether the emotion demand is satisfied. This study adopts the qualitative research method to construct the relationship between free form chairs and emotion design. The purpose of this study are:(1)To find out the emotional image caused of free form chairs. (2)To analyse the form features of free form chairs which communicate same emotional image. The experiment was split into two phases. The first phase is pre-experiment. The experts of the focus group classed the samples by intuitions. Then I held a focus group interview to discuss the results of the pre-experiment and generalized the relationship between free form chairs and emotion design. In the second phase I adopted the structural DFA method to extract the form features of free form chairs in different emotional image classification. Results from the study indicated : the main considerations when consumers choose the free form chairs are about the factors in the visceral level and the reflective level. And they often neglect the factors in the behavioral level. And also obtained the form features of 16 kinds emotional image free form chairs. It provides some guidance to free form chairs’ design for designers.


Free Form Chair Emotion Design Form Feature


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