  • 學位論文


A Study on Application of Picture Book to Promotion of Child Reading Teaching - with Two Kindergartens in Taoyoun County as Examples

指導教授 : 謝登旺


本研究旨在透過幼兒園閱讀教學推廣歷程,瞭解教師所接收的閱讀觀念、教學策略以及相關資源應用情形,並探討繪本融入幼兒閱讀教學現況及成果,提供相關單位繼續推廣閱讀教學之參考。本研究採個案途徑,選擇桃園縣二所具繪本教學經驗、班級數差距較大且教學資源迥異的幼兒園為對象,分別訪談6位教師、4位家長及2位學者專家,從中檢視並探究幼兒園閱讀教學規劃、實施過程,以及行政部門與教師所遭遇的困境、影響因素與因應策略等。 本研究主要參考Fullan (2001)提出的開始、應用、制度化教育改變三階段理論,據以分析幼兒園閱讀推廣歷程;另外,亦瞭解閱讀教學相關資源應用情形,探討繪本融入主題教學實施現況,並汲取國內外相關閱讀推廣經驗,作為研究架構及歸納結論依據。依實證分析結果後,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、個案幼兒園閱讀教學推廣過程皆歷經開始、應用、制度化三階段。 二、幼兒閱讀教學執行主要以班級共讀與親子共讀等方式進行。 三、幼兒閱讀教學活動會受到教師知識、專家指導及實務經驗的影響。 四、幼兒園繪本運用於推廣閱讀教學成果普獲家長肯定。 五、幼兒園應善用人力及智力資源並發揮政府功能。 六、團團幼兒園繪本運用於推廣幼兒閱讀教學落實度較圓圓幼兒園為佳。 根據研究發現,本研究分別對幼兒園教育主管機關、幼兒園行政單位、幼兒園教師以及後續研究者提出具體建議,俾利於建構良好閱讀教學環境,提升幼兒學習能力。 關鍵詞:幼兒閱讀教學、繪本、幼兒園


幼兒閱讀教學 繪本 幼兒園


The study aims to understand the reading concept, teaching strategy and relevant resource application received by a teacher via the reading teaching promotion procedure in the kindergarten, explore the status quo and result that a picture book fuses child reading teaching and provide reference of continuing promoting reading teaching to relevant units.Selected are two kindergartens with picture book teaching experience, a larger gap of class number and different teaching resource as research objects in the study. Interviewed are 6 teachers, 4 parents and 2 scholars, from whom viewed and explored are kindergarten reading teaching planning, implementation procedure, and hot water, influencer and response strategy encountered by the administration and teachers etc. The study mainly makes reference to three stage theories (beginning, application and change to institutionalization education) presented by Fullan (2001) to analyze the kindergarten reading promotion procedure; in addition, the study also understands relevant resource application of reading teaching, explores the implementation status quo that a picture book fuses thematic teaching and draws internal and external relevant reading promotion experience as research framework and a basis of conclusions. Following are conclusions acquired by the study from empirical analysis: 1. The kindergarten reading teaching promotion procedure of the research case goes through 3 stages (beginning, application and institutionalization). 2. Child reading teaching is mainly implemented in such a way as class and parent-child co-reading. 3. Child reading teaching activities will be influenced by knowledge of teachers, expert instruction and practice experience. 4. Kindergarten picture books are applied to promote reading teaching, and the results are affirmed by parents. 5. Kindergartens shall make good use of man power and intelligence resource and bring government functions into play. 6. Tuan-tuan kindergarten picture books are applied to promote child reading teaching with better implementation than Yuan-yuan kindergartens. The study finds that concrete suggestions for education competent authority, administrative unit and teachers of kindergartens and follow-up researchers made by the study help to construct good reading teaching environment so as to enhance child learning ability. Key word: child reading teaching, picture book, kindergarten


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