  • 學位論文


A Study of the Dispatched Workers’ Protection of the Occupational Injury in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李玉君


本文係在研究我國派遣勞工職業災害保障之問題。由於經濟環境變遷,企業採取人力彈性策略而產生非典型工作型態,派遣勞動即為其中一種。一般所稱之派遣勞動係指派遣機構聘僱派遣勞工,並基於與要派機構簽訂之契約,將派遣勞工派遣至要派機構處提供勞務,據此派遣勞動涉及派遣機構、要派機構與派遣勞工三者間的權利義務關係。由於有其他工作型態與派遣勞動相類似,加以派遣勞動不明確的法律關係,連帶引起雇主責任不明、派遣勞工勞動條件保障不足等問題。尤其職業災害對勞工之影響甚大,在無專法予以規範保障之情況下,而我國現行職業災害預防、補償與重建之保障制度又以雇主責任為核心,因此釐清派遣勞動之法律關係,並在派遣機構與要派機構同為派遣勞工之雇主的主張下,分配職災雇主責任,方得以保障遭受職業災害之派遣勞工。   本文之研究重點分為三部份,第一部份在界定派遣勞動,藉以區別鄉類似之工作型態,並釐清派遣勞動之法律關係,主張派遣勞工具有雙雇主。第二部份即以派遣勞工具有雙雇主之論述為基礎,分配派遣機構與要派機構於現行職業災害保障制度中各自應承擔之雇主責任。第三部份則參考日本、德國與美國對派遣勞工職災保障之立法例,並對我國派遣勞動法草案中職災保障之規範作一評析。最後總結本文之研究,提出結論與建議。


This thesis is a study of the dispatched workers’ protection of the occupational injury in Taiwan. Owing to economical conditions be changed, the companies take the method of labor flexibility, which brings Atypical Employment, and dispatched employment is one kind of the which. In generally, the dispatched employment is refers to what the dispatched work agency to hire the dispatched laborers, and based on the contract signed with user enterprise to dispatch the dispatched laborers to user enterprise place providing the service. According to the above, the dispatched employment will involve the rights and obligations of dispatched work agency, user enterprise and dispatched laborers. Because other employments are similar with the dispatched employment, and dispatched employment has indeterminate legal relationship, which causes the employers liability to be unclearly, dispatched laborers’ conditions of protection to be not enough. Especially, occupational injury hurts dispatched laborers seriously but it has not a special legal to provide protection for dispatched laborers in Taiwan and the legal of the occupational accidents prevention, workers’ compensation and rehabilitation in occupational accidents take the employers obligations as a core so clear legal relationship of dispatched work and the view of that dispatched work agency and user enterprise are also dispatched laborers’ employers can protect dispatched laborers experiencing occupational injury. This thesis paper is divided into three parts. The first part defines dispatched work for differentiating from other similar works and clears legal relationship of dispatched work and proposes the view of mutual employers. The second part distributes the employers’ obligations on the protection system of the occupational injury in Taiwan to dispatched work agency and user enterprise on a foundation of mutual employers. The last part refers to the protection system of the occupational injury of dispatched laborers in Japan, Germany and United States and analyzes the protection system of the occupational injury of dispatched laborers in drafts of dispatched employment acts in Taiwan. In the end, the researcher concludes the discussions in each section and offers several suggestions as the conclusion of the conclusion of this thesis paper.


  1997 《社會保險》,台北:中國社會保險學會,修訂版。


