  • 學位論文


A Study on the Accumulation and Consumption of Community Empowering in Beitao from the Perspective of Social Capital

指導教授 : 廖俊松


本研究係從「社會資本」(social capital) 觀點,論述社區營造動力之積累與消耗過程。以自921地震後參與營造的白土社區為例,探究社區在進行營造過程中哪些因素會影響社會資本積累與消耗的變化,並且運用「網絡」、「規範」、「信任」三種要素,建構白土社區營造動力具體觀察指標推估模式,進而了解社區發展變遷。   本研究採質性研究方式,運用「文獻分析法」、「深度訪談法」、「參與觀察法」三種研究方法來檢證研究主題。藉由白土社區為個案研究焦點,將社區自921地震後至2009年近10年參與營造的歷程,劃分為「1999-2002年為積累期」、「2003-2009年為消耗期」兩個不同階段的時間序列,探析社區營造過程無形資本積累與消耗的方式。並且歸納整理相關的書籍、期刊、碩士或博士之學位論文、報章雜誌等二手資料,助於重構白土社區營造過程之相關事件發展及運作過程。除此之外,研究者將與實際參與白土社區營造的重點人物進行深度訪談,以補充文獻分析法之不詳盡的部分。   根據研究發現,維繫白土社區營造之積累重要的基石為「社區網絡拓展與緊密的關係」、「社區營造價值與規範的落實」、「行動者間密切互動,累積彼此認同與信任關係」三者所構成社區發展動力展現。然而,值得注意是影響白土社區營造朝向消耗情勢發展情況,主要為「社區網絡遞減與疏離的關係」、「社區缺乏集體行動可續性」、「社區公共空間逐漸瓦解,衝擊行動者間信任關係」,例如:營造過程中陸續出現資源分配失衡、領導者效能及社區組織運作不彰等問題,社區並無積極正視,因而逐步降低社區內社會資本存量,影響整體發展與運作。據此說明,白土社區營造近10年過程因受到人、資源與組織三者相互交錯影響,造成社區呈現動態性的發展,同時也影響社區社會資本存量的消長變化,可提供其他社區借鏡反省。


This study analyzes the process of the accumulation and consumption of community empowering from the perspective of social capital. Utilizing Beitao Community, which has engaged in the empowering process since the 921 earthquake, as an instance, this study explores what kind of factors serve to influence the fluctuation of capital accumulation and consumption during the process. Also to understand the development and vicissitude of the community, this study adopts three essential concepts “network,” “discipline,” and “trust” as to construct the indicative and evaluative model for practical observation over the community empowering. This study adopts qualitative approach, employing “literature analysis,” “in-depth interview,” and “participative observation” as the research methods to examine the proposed thesis. Through the in-focus case study of Beitao, this study divides the period of its empowering process, which has lasted ten years since the 921 earthquake, into two spans of different phases: 1) 1999-2002 as accumulation, and 2) 2003-2009 as consumption. This division assists to elucidate the accumulation and consumption of invisible social capital during that period. This study also organizes the related books, journals, and master and doctoral theses, and articles as second-hand sources, helping re-present heads and tails of relevant events and exercise procedures involved. In addition, the author will also conduct an in-depth interview with the significant characters in Beitao, who partook in the actual building and empowering process, to remedy the insufficiency of the second-hand sources and literature. According to the research results, the very supportive foundation for capital accumulation pertains to the developmental momentum surrounded by three elements: “expansion of social network and close relationship among the residents,” “implementation of the values and discipline in community empowering,” and “constant interaction between the actors for an improved identification and trust.” However, it is noteworthy that there are also elements driving the community empowering to its consumptive state: “lessening of social network and estrangement,” “lack of collective action and of its continuum,” and “deterioration of public spaces and its impact upon the trust between the actors.” For instance, during the empowering process, there had been problems of imbalanced resource distribution. The leadership was inefficient, and the community organization was unable to function at its full. For all these problems, the community itself did not take seriously enough, therein gradually reducing the reserved social capital and further affecting the overall development and exercise of community empowering. Accordingly, during the ten years of Betao’s re-building, the empowering project was impacted by the crisscrossing factors of person, resource, and organization, which renders instability upon its development and leads to the fluctuation of its social capital reserves. Beitao Community, in this case, can become a model of reflection for other similar communities.


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