  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationships among Off-Campus Internship Counseling, Internship Perception, Internship Effectiveness, and Internship Satisfaction

指導教授 : 張詠盛
共同指導教授 : 謝俊宏(Chun-Hung Hsieh)


過去數十年來,臺灣締造舉世欽羨之經濟奇蹟,技職教育適時提供產業發展所需之技術人力,實功不可沒。但在知識經濟時代,產業競爭的程度,更勝以往,因此,原有技職教育所提供的知能,在屬性、廣度及專精程度上,就逐漸難以符應產業及受教者所需。此外,民間企業亦常反映,學生畢業後,多無法為其所用,因此,近年來政府積極推動「技職教育再造方案」,希望藉此消弭或縮短大學教育與就業市場需求之落差,提升畢業生就業力。   參考過去國內外相關文獻發現,有關探討校外實習成效及滿意度之範疇,大多以醫學實習以及觀光業之實習生為主。較少文獻針對各學院實習生做探討,因此本研究將以探討科技大學曾參加104學年度校外實習的實習生為研究對象,在校外實習輔導、實習認知對實習成效及實習滿意度之關係,瞭解實習生是否因校外實習輔導及實習認知對實習成效影響與實習成效對實習滿意度的影響。   本研究採用問卷調查法,共發放837份問卷,得有效問卷為776份,有效回收率為94.060%,研究結果顯示,校外實習輔導對學生實習成效呈現正向影響;實習認知對實習成效呈現正向影響;實習成效對實習滿意度呈現正向影響。


Over the past few decades, Taiwan has created an economic miracle that has stunned the world. Technical education and vocational education have greatly contributed to providing the skilled labor necessary for industrial development. However, in the era of knowledge economy, competition in every industry is stiffer than ever. Therefore, the skills and knowledge provided by technical and vocational training are gradually falling short of the demand of industries as well as the students in terms of nature, scope, and level of specialization. In addition, local companies have also expressed their concern that most graduates fail to apply the knowledge they acquire at school in the job market. Therefore, in recent years, the government has been actively reforming technical and vocational education in the hopes to narrow, if not eliminate, the gap between university education and the demands of the job market, thereby increasing the employability of graduates.   Reference past relevant literature found that explore the campus internship Category effectiveness and satisfaction of, mostly medical internships and interns of tourism based. Documents do less for each college interns to explore, this study will investigate the University of Science and Technology has participated in 104 school year off-campus internship interns for the study, in school counseling practice, practice and practice awareness of performance practice of relationship satisfaction, interns learn it because of school counseling and internship placement cognitive impact and influence the effectiveness of the internship satisfaction internship placement results.   This study used the questionnaire approach. Of the 837 questionnaires distributed, 776 of them were valid, which constituted 92.71% of the total. The results of this study revealed that internship counseling positively impacts internship effectiveness; internship knowledge positively impacts internship effectiveness; and internship effectiveness positively impacts students’ satisfaction. This study concludes by proposing relevant suggestions so that the results can serve as a reference for technical and vocational training schools in incorporating internships as part of their curriculum in the future.




