  • 學位論文


The Study of Housing Conditions and Living Environment Satisfaction in Taichung City

指導教授 : 簡伃貞


住宅在人類文明發展史中,扮演一個非常重要的角色,從樹居、穴居演變至今運用現代科技的鋼筋水泥建築,顯示人類住宅形式有相當大的變化。早期住宅需求為遮風擋雨的庇護所,但隨著經濟的進步條件漸漸增加,住宅庇護已成滿足人們住宅需求的基本功能。由於每個人效用不同,住宅價格只能列為住宅選擇時,所考慮的重要因素之一,其他如區位、型式、材料… 等,要素需求也會列入決策中。為了符合住宅整體需求,透過選擇過程進行決策。住宅選擇必須仰賴充分的資訊,然而必須負擔決策的資訊搜集成本。本研究試著以問卷調查的方式,透過數據化的統計資料與分析進行實證研究,對於一定的區位內市場的需求性,住宅條件中本身的結構特徵與外部的區位特徵、鄰里特徵、鄰避設施等;居住環境中的健康性、安全性、便利性與寧適性,討論住宅條件與居住環境滿意度,提供充分的資訊、統計,提供專業評估、推論住宅市場上的住宅條件需求,反映台中市民居住環境滿意度指標。 在住宅條件滿意度,主要影響的關鍵即為居民本身之個人背景與住宅條件,在相關性研究結果顯示,住宅滿意度與居民的職業、住戶人口數及居住之行政區有擁有極高度之相關性。整體來說50至59歲、學歷為碩士(含)以上、職業為家管或軍公教、居住時間1至5年、家庭月收入50,001元以上、住戶人口數為二人、居住於北屯區之居民住宅條件滿意度較高。而就居住環境滿意度,整體來說40至49歲、職業為行政主管人員、居住時間16年以上、家庭月收入50,001元以上、居住於北屯區之居民居住環境滿意度較高。


滿意度 居住環境 住宅條件


Residence plays a very important role in the history of human civilization development, from the tree-dwelling, burrowing use of modern technology has evolved reinforced concrete buildings,which showing the residential forms of human have considerable changes. Early residential needs are shelter, however, with the progress of the economic conditions gradually increase, sheltered and residential to meet the basic function has become the people''s residential needs. Since each person has different needs, the residential prices can only as one of important factors to be considered. Others such as location, type, material ... etc., will be included in decision-making factors. In order to meet the overall demand for residence , and decision-making through the selection process. Residence choice must rely on adequate information, and pay the information gathering costs. This study tries to questionnaires and empirical research conducted by data of statistical data and analysis. For a given location within requirements of the market, housing conditions and the external structure of their geographical characteristics, neighborhood characteristics, NIMBY facilities; Healthy, safety, convenience and comfort, of the living environment. Discuss housing conditions and living environment satisfaction. Provide adequate information, statistics, and professional assessment, inferences demand for housing conditions on the residential market. Reflect the satisfaction index of Taichung citizens living environment. In the residential satisfaction Conditions,the main impact is the key to their own personal background and resident housing conditions.Correlation of results displayed, that satisfaction of residential has a very high degree of correlation between with occupation, household population and administrative.Overall, the resident of 50-59 years old, master''s degree (or more), as housewife or The civil service, 1-5years residence time, family income of $ 50,001 or more, the number of households in the population as a duo, living in Beitun area have higher satisfaction conditions


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