  • 學位論文


Conspicuous Consumption and Involvement on Consumer Purchase Intention of Star Endorsement Sneakers

指導教授 : 李素箱 楊欽城


本研究目的旨在探討球星代言款球鞋的炫耀性消費、涉入程度與購買意願之現況、差異情形及其關連性。本研究以自編之炫耀性消費、涉入程度與購買意願調查問卷為研究工具;以台北、台中及高雄地區的消費者為研究對象,採用立意抽樣方式進行問卷調查,共發放338份問卷,有效回收300份,有效回收率達88.76%,所得資料以統計軟體SPSS 18.0 for windows進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及多元逐步廻歸分析後,得到以下結果:球星代言鞋款消費者主要為男性;年齡層以21~30歲居多;教育程度以大學(專科)占多數;月收入為20,000以下占多數;職業為學生占多數。炫耀性消費以「名牌觀」及「忌妒與羨慕」得分最高;涉入程度以「誤購的機率」得分最高;購買意願則呈現高度的消費意願。男性在「獨特性」及「忌妒與羨慕」得分高於女性; 31~40歲及41~50歲在「金錢觀」得分高於20歲以下;研究所(含)以上學歷在「金錢觀」、「名牌觀」及「忌妒與羨慕」得分高於高中(職)及大學(專科)學歷;月收入為40,001以上在「名牌觀」及「忌妒與羨慕」高於月收入20,000以內及月收入20,001~30,000;自由業在「獨特性」得分高於其他及軍/公/警/教。男性在「興趣」得分上高於女性;涉入程度在年齡、教育程度、月收入上不會有差異存在;其他職業在「誤購的機率」得分高於商/服務業。男性在「購買意願」得分上高於女性;不同年齡及職業之消費者在購買意願上沒有顯著差異存在;高中(職)學歷購買意願高於大學(專科)學歷;月收入為30,001~40,000購買意願高於20,001~30,000。炫耀性消費會正向影響涉入程度,且受「名牌觀」與「金錢觀」的影響。炫耀性消費會正向影響購買意願,且受「名牌觀」、「忌妒與羨慕」與「金錢觀」的影響。涉入程度會正向影響購買意願,且受「誤購的機率」、「興趣」及「風險的重要性」的影響。


代言 球星


The main purpose of this research was to explore the situation, the differences and the relations among the conspicuous consumption, the involvement and the purchase intention for the athletic shoes endorsed by the sports stars. The questionnaires related to the conspicuous consumption, the involvement and the purchase intention were used as the research tool. The consumers from Taipei, Taichung and Kaosiung were set to be the research targets. It adopted the purposive sampling as the way to conduct the questionnaires, distributing 338 questionnaires, obtaining 300 copies of effective recovery ,and the effective recovery chances had reached to 88.76%.The information had then been used to analyze the descriptive statistics, the independent T-Test, the one-way ANOVA and the gradually multiple regression analysis with the use of SPSS 18.0 for windows, reaching to the results below: for those consuming the endorsed sports shoes, men aging from twenty to thirty with college degrees count the main part. In the aspect of the conspicuous consumption, famous concept and jealousness/envy got the highest points. As for the involvement, the risk probability got the highest points; the purchase willingness reached to the high level. Males got higher points in the aspect of the distinctness, jealousness and envy; people aging from 31 to 40 and 41 to 50 got more points than those aging under 20 in the aspect of money concept. Students with graduate degree (above) got more points than those that are in hight school or university in the aspect of money concept, the famous concept and jealousness/ envy; people receiving 40,001 NTD per month as income got more points than those receiving less than 20,000 or 20,001~30,000; Freelance got more points than the other occupations in the domain of the military, government, police and education. Men got more points than females for the interests; as for the involvement, there were no differences between the ages, the educational degrees and monthly incomes. Other occupations got more points than commercial and service industry in risk probability. Men got more points than women in purchase willingness; there was no obvious difference for the consumers with different ages and occupations while purchasing; students with senior high degree had more purchase willingness than those with college degree; people earn 30,001~40,000 NTD per month had more purchase willingness than those earning 20,001~30,000.The conspicuous consumption affected positively the involvement, and was influenced by the famous concept and money concept. The conspicuous affected positively the purchase willingness, and was influenced by the famous concept, jealousness/envy and money concept. The involvement affected positively the purchase willingness, and was influenced by the risk probability, the interests and the importance of risk.


Endorsement Star


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