  • 期刊


The Trajectory and Goal of Landslide Revegetation: A Proposal from the Viewpoints of Restoration Ecology




In recent years, restoration ecology has become an important issue in environmental sciences. To apply the concept of ecological restoration to repair landslide, we propose new illustrations to clarify the trajectory and goal of landslide revegetation expressed in terms of the two major characteristics of ecological structure and function. Traditional vegetation engineering methods can quickly recover fundamental ecological functions such as biomass and vegetation cover ratio, but are inadequate when it comes to recovering ecological structures such as stratum and biodiversity. The future goal of landslide restoration should be extended from establishing grass vegetation simply for slope stability and erosion reduction to developing early-successional-stage forests to store more species and stratums in succession. The trajectory and goal of landslide revegetation proposed by this paper can allow for vegetation recovery in the early phase as well as more stable ecological structure in the late phase.
